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Daystrom Institute Technical Library

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Gurius III with 65 points
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Joe UK with 140 points
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We have detailed descriptions and images on 815 science and technology items
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Beverly : 
"It's a family heirloom. It's been in the Howard clan for generations. It's supposed to symbolize the enduring Howard spirit. Wherever they may go, the shining light to guide them through their fortune. Nana always kept it lit. I remember sitting here listening to ghost stories with only the candle burning."
about the candle
TNG : Sub Rosa

25 Jul 2024

Discovery, Season 5
I've added the usual mini reviews for the final episodes of Star Trek Discovery season 5.

15 Jul 2024

Server move
This is the new server...

3 Jul 2024

New Server
Welcome to the new server.

1 Jul 2024

We asked "What did you think of "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach", episode 6 of Season 1 of Star Trek Strange New Worlds?" and you voted for "Loved it!" with a winning score of 7 out of 14 votes (50.0%). For our new poll we are asking "What did you think of "The Serene Squall", episode 7 of Season 1 of Star Trek Strange New Worlds?"
Caption Comp
Congratulations to "Captain 8472" winner of last months caption competition.

27 Jun 2024

Server outage
OK, we're back up and running again. I made a silly mistake when preparing for a server update. It then took almost a day for me to get back in and start things working again.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 6,524,763 Last updated : 25 Jul 2024