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Caption Competition

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Name Caption
Chromedome "Did you know that at the Paris Olympics in 2024 they intended to fill the opening ceremony with the greatest French popular music?"
"What happened?"
"They could only fill 7 minutes 32 seconds."
Obama3rdterm Simon and Garfunkle
Watching television Thursday evening
It's a candidates debate
President Joe's wits seemed gone away.
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
His head stopped spinning round
Else it's right between the eyes
Oooh he grazed you.
Johnny Paycheck
Take this job and shove it.
Chromedome "Geordi, do you know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in Paris?"
"A Royale with cheese. Why do you ask?"
"I have absolutely no idea."
Chromedome "Chromedome? He's the old, fat, good looking one."
Chromedome "Have you seen this documentary about a mining ship with a human, and android and a cat?"
"Data, Red Dwarf is not ... oh never mind."
Frankie Chestnuts Data: “Goerdi, have you seen this TickTok video? Hee, hee… snigger… chuckle, chuckle…”
Geordi: “Data, I think you should deactivate your emotion chip for a while.”
Frankie Chestnuts The real cause of "Transporter Accidents": Geordi, Data & a bottle of scotch.
The Geek Data: "'... but the Ferengi in the gorilla-suit can stay.' Intriguing. I believe this joke has evoked en emotional response, but I do not know why. Oh well, I am sure it will come to me later."
Captain 8472 Data has been experimenting with transporter pranks. Riker’s beard changing color to purple was quite the surprise.
Captain 8472 Data has been experimenting with transporter pranks. Ruler’s beard changing color to purple was quite the surprise.
Captain 8472 As Data worked to suppress his laughter, Geordi was giving his best deadpan response. The cause? Riker just failed at another magic trick. One does not simply dunk the cosmic donut.
Captain 8472 Data’s self control subroutines won’t be updated until Tuesday.
N'tran DS 12 "Sea bass?"
"Sea bass."
"I wouldn't.."
"Not touching it."
N'tran DS 12 The Happy Android and his Starship.
Captain 8472 “Data, why is the computer answering every question with ‘42?’”
Captain 8472 “Data, why is my visor now covering everyone’s faces with a poop emoji?”
Frankie Chestnuts Data reminds Geordi that he has had sex more often than he had.
McFortner Data: "Then I told Dr. Pulaski that the one advantage of androids over humans is that we never need Viagra."
McFortner Frankie fans vs. Chromedome fans after seeing the results of a monthly competition.
Chromedome "It's OK for you Brent. You don't have to wear these dumb sunglasses all the time."
"No, I just have to wear a smug grin."
Chromedome If you were an android, wouldn't you choose something other than a receding hairline?
Chromedome "Hello, new little web server!"
"Data ..."
N'tran DS 12 "Data, you look older."
Captain 8472 Data attempted his first practical joke. Dr. Crusher did not enjoy having her birth control being messed with.
Captain 8472 Data attempted his first practical joke. Geordi did not like seeing everyone as a naked mole rat.
Captain 8472 Data attempted his first practical joke. Warf having a shaved head did not go over very well.
Captain 8472 This image was recorded after Data accessed the DITL caption competition history. May his emotion chip rest in peace.
Captain 8472 The Golden Android has failed to follow the Golden Rule. Now he mus sit on the Silver Stool, awaiting the Silver Fool.The Bronze Cap will be used to turn him into a Bronze Wrap.
Frankie Chestnuts Geordi: "Data, if that's your attempt at a smile, you've missed the mark. You're closer to Javier Bardem from 'No Country For Old Men'."
Captain 8472 Thanks to his emotion chip, Data finally understands Biggus Dickus.
Captain 8472 Thanks to his emotion chip, Dat finally understands Biggus Dickus.
Captain 8472 Spot escaped from Data’s quarters again. The cat was on the hunt. Riker was her target.
N'tran DS 12 Spot! That is not your litter box!
Captain 8472 Data just discovered cat videos. He favors orange tabbies for some reason.
Miss Marple Data ♫: Life forms ♫♪♪ You tiny little life forms ♫♪♪ You precious little life forms... where are you?
Geordi: Data, that's a buffet table!
Miss Marple Data ♫: Life forms ♫♪♪ You tiny little life forms ♫♪♪ You precious little life forms... where are you?
Riker [off screen]: Cha-cha-cha!
Frankie Chestnuts Data looks on with child-like wonder at the sneeze guards at the 10-Forward Buffet.
Frankie Chestnuts Data: "Geordi, my off switch is 20.6 cm higher and 6.8 cm to my left... and I recommend washing that finger."
Chromedome Data was pleased with any opportunity to demonstrate his new waste gas pressure release system.
N'tran DS 12 "The Rocky Mountain oysters look particularly appetizing"
Chromedome "Oh hell! Look at the state of that caption!"
Chromedome "Mmmmm. Vol au vents!"

Entries : 42People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 576 Release date : 30 Nov -0001