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Thomas Eugene Paris

Quote Episode
Tom Paris : 
"Her eyes were a million kilometers away, staring at stars I'd flown by the day before."
doing a horrific Film Noir attempt
VOY : Ex Post Facto
Paris : 
"It's not even tempting."
to Janeway; when she urges urges him not to look at the viewscreen were an image of his father is yelling at him
VOY : Persistence of Vision
Kim : 
"Can we go to low warp?"
Paris : 
"The ship might make it without inertial dampers but we'll all be stains on the back wall."
VOY : Tattoo
Janeway : 
"If this works, you'll be joining an elite group of pilots. Orville Wright, Neil Armstrong, Zefram Cochrane… and Tom Paris."
Paris : 
"I kind of like the way that sounds."
VOY : Threshold
Paris : 
"Transwarp engines are stable, so are the nacelle pylons. I'm going to try to… Oh my God!"
reporting in while travelling at warp 10
VOY : Threshold
Paris : 
"You are losing me, aren't you? I'm gonna die."
EMH : 
"You are too stubborn to die, Mr. Paris."
VOY : Threshold
Paris : 
"Here lies Thomas Eugene Paris, beloved mutant."
out loud in sickbay
VOY : Threshold
Paris : 
"Great! Now it will read '…beloved radioactive mutant'!"
after the EMH initiated radiation therapy
VOY : Threshold
Paris : 
"I lost my virginity in that room. Seventeen. Parents were away for the weekend."
EMH : 
"I'll note that in your medical file."
VOY : Threshold
Paris : 
"When a bomb starts talking about itself in the first person, I get worried."
to Torres
VOY : Dreadnought
Paris : 
"Hello, Seska. You're looking radiantly maternal."
to Seska
VOY : Investigations
Neelix : 
"I hear you're leaving the ship."
Paris : 
"Good news travels fast, I guess."
VOY : Investigations
Paris : 
"I know that I've been acting like a jerk for the last couple of months. Unfortunately, I had to behave that way if the spy was going to believe that I really wanted to leave the ship. So, I'd like to apologize to anyone that I might have offended... especially Commander Chakotay, I gave him a pretty hard time. Not that it wasn't a certain amount of fun, mind you."
VOY : Investigations
Paris : 
"You want to know what I remember? Somebody saying 'this man is my friend. Nobody touches him.' I'll remember that for a long time."
to Kim
VOY : The Chute
Paris : 
"You're afraid that your big scary Klingon side may have been showing. Well, I saw it up close. And you know, it wasn't so terrible. In fact, I wouldn't mind seeing it again someday."
to Torres
VOY : Blood Fever
Paris : 
"You created that program so you could experience what it's like to have a family. The good times and the bad. You can't have one without the other."
EMH : 
"I fail to see why not."
Paris : 
"Think about what's happened to us here aboard Voyager. Everyone left people behind, and everyone suffered a loss. But look how it's brought us all closer together. We found support here, and friendship, and we've become a family, in part because of the pain we share. If you turn your back on this program, you'll always be stuck at this point. You'll never have the chance to say goodbye to your daughter. Or to be there for your wife and son when they need you. And you'll be cheating yourself out of their love and support. In the long run, you'll miss the whole point of what it means to have a family."
VOY : Real Life
Paris : 
"Remember the good old days when it was impossible to keep a secret on a ship this small?"
on the author of Insurrection Alpha
VOY : Worst Case Scenario
Paris : 
"I'm a pilot, Harry, not a doctor!"
to Kim
VOY : Message in a Bottle
Paris : 
"That guy is worse than a Ferengi!"
to Kovin
VOY : Retrospect
Paris : 
"They're Nazis, totalitarian fanatics, bent on world conquest. The Borg of their day. No offense."
to Seven
VOY : The Killing Game, Part 2
Paris : 
"Loosen up baby doll, the war's almost over."
to Seven
VOY : The Killing Game, Part 2
Paris : 
"What do you think? Boy or a girl?"
Seven : 
"It's a holographic projection."
Torres : 
"Unfortunately, it's a very good projection. I feel 20 kilos heavier. It even kicks."
VOY : The Killing Game, Part 2
Paris : 
"Ow! Ow! What do you think you're doing, doc?"
EMH : 
"An impromptu auditory exam."
Paris : 
"Did I pass?"
EMH : 
"With flying colors, which leads me to believe you did hear me when I requested you meet me this morning."
VOY : Vis-a-Vis
Paris : 
"Somebody call for a driver?"
VOY : Vis-a-Vis
Paris : 
"No offence, but I'd like to get out of your body as soon as possible."
to Daelen; while in Steth's body
VOY : Vis-a-Vis
Paris : 
"So. You're going to realign your sensors with Seven's. Sounds like fun."
to Kim
VOY : Unforgettable
Janeway : 
"Anybody's got any other ideas, I'm listening."
Paris : 
"We could set up a bicycle in the Mess Hall, attach a generator; pedal home?"
Janeway : 
"Now why didn't I think of that?"
Paris : 
"...and I volunteer Harry to take the first shift!"
VOY : Demon
Paris : 
Tuvok : 
"Wow, indeed."
VOY : Hope and Fear
Paris : 
"Well if we can't transport it out, we'll just have to fly in and grab it."
Tuvok : 
"Perhaps you weren't paying attention when the Malon freighter imploded?"
VOY : Extreme Risk
Paris : 
"It's a date! These things can't be rushed. They've probably just finished dinner, a couple of drinks, and now they are moving past the polite stage."
Kim : 
"The polite stage? The last 8472 I met tried to dissolve me from the inside out!"
VOY : In the Flesh
Chakotay : 
"Lieutenant. A first officer could get in a lot of trouble for talking to his captain that way."
Paris : 
"Well, I've learned from the best."
VOY : Unimatrix Zero, Part 2
Tom : 
"Will you marry me?"
to B'Elanna
VOY : Drive
Paris : 
"You're in a good mood."
Torres : 
"It's another beautiful day in the Delta Quadrant."
Paris : 
"What did you have for breakfast?"
VOY : Lineage
Paris : 
"Look, whatever the reason was, I'm sure it was a horrible thing for you to live with. Wait a minute, you don't think... B'Elanna, I am never going to leave you."
Torres : 
"You say that now but think about how hard it is to live with one Klingon. Pretty soon it'll be two."
Paris : 
"Someday I hope it's three or four. I mean it, and I hope that every one of them is just like you. B'Elanna, I am not your father and you are not your mother, and our daughter is going to be perfect just the way she is."
VOY : Lineage
Paris : 
"Piloting lessons!"
to Janeway; on his punishment for breaking local traffic rules
VOY : Natural Law

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 23,065 Last updated : 22 Jan 2015