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Thomas Eugene Paris

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People image Thomas Eugene Paris
Tom Paris shortly after joining the USS Voyager. [1]
People image Thomas Eugene Paris
Paris begins to suffer adverse effects form his Warp 10 flight. [2]
People image Thomas Eugene Paris
Over time, he began to transform as his DNA was altered. [2]
People image Thomas Eugene Paris
The transformation continues. [2]
People image Thomas Eugene Paris
Ultimately, Paris evolved into an animalistic form. [2]
People image Thomas Eugene Paris
A future version of Paris in 2404. [3]

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 1 Parallax
2 VOY 2 Threshold
3 VOY 7 Endgame, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Parallax
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Threshold
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Endgame, Part 1

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 28,712 Last updated : 22 Jan 2015