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Harry Kim

Universe : Prime Timeline
Name : Harry Kim [1]
Species : Humans

Born in the same year as Wesley Crusher, Harry Kim was an only child. [2] He joined Starfleet in 2366 and graduated after the normal four year course. [3] His first posting was to the USS Voyager, where he was stranded in the Delta Quadrant along with the rest of the crew when the Caretaker pulled the ship across the galaxy. [1]

Kim's time on Voyager has been rather eventful. In 2371 he was pulled through a subspace vacuole to another planet, where he initiated something of a religious crisis by causing the natives to question their ideas of death and the afterlife. [4] Shortly afterwards he was briefly imprisoned in an energy lattice by a non-corporeal lifeform which Voyager accidentally picked up. [5] In 2372 he found himself apparently returned to Earth, but it proved to be an illusion created by an alien species. [3] In the same year he was part of the team which developed a drive system capable of propelling a shuttle at Warp 10. [6]

In 2372 Kim was killed during a series of Vidiian attacks on Voyager. Another Voyager from an alternate universe was brought into our own reality during the incident, and when that ship was destroyed their Harry Kim joined Voyager as a replacement. The two universes were essentially identical up to the time of the crossover, and so Kim was essentially resurrected by the transfer. [7]

One of the strangest things to happen to him came in 2373, when a group of aliens claimed that Kim was not in fact Human at all, but was one of their own offspring. Unfortunately for Kim, it transpired that the aliens wanted to use his body in order to propagate themselves, a process which would have proved fatal for him. [8] At the end of that year Kim was infected by cells of an 8472 alien, which threatened to overwhelm his entire body until the EMH managed to modify some Borg nanoprobes to defeat the invasion. [9]

All of this has led to Harry acquiring something of a reputation as one of life's victims. However, in his latter years on Voyager he began to become more assertive in his thinking and seemed to be maturing somewhat. [10]

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

Associated with

Crew of the USS Voyager

Played by

SeriesSeasonActorFilm / Episode Title
VOYGarrett Wang


# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 1 Caretaker
2 VOY 1 Eye of the Needle
3 VOY 2 Non Sequitur
4 VOY 1 Emanations
5 VOY 1 Heroes and Demons
6 VOY 2 Threshold
7 VOY 2 Deadlock
8 VOY 3 Favorite Son
9 VOY 3 Scorpion, Part 1
10 Various Voyager episodes
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Caretaker
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Eye of the Needle
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Non Sequitur
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Emanations
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Heroes and Demons
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Threshold
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Deadlock
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Favorite Son
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Scorpion, Part 1
Series : VOY Season
Episode : Various Voyager episodes

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 56,762 Last updated : 2 Apr 2014