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This site is definitely NOT CANON or official in any way. Nobody from within the Star Trek organization has authorized it in any way, or provided me with any information to develop it, or has anything at all to do with it. Although much here is taken directly from canon and official sources, much else is nothing more than speculation based on my own particular interpretation of the Star Trek universe. For details of how to distinguish between canon, official and speculative information, see the 'Ethos' section.

A word on the images used here : at last count this site contained, in all, about four thousand five hundred images. Many of these are supporting graphics - buttons, titles, etc. Of the two thousand or so 'useful' images, the vast majority are scans I have made myself from various episodes. A few are pictures I have downloaded from Binaries groups over the last few years. Since I didn't know I was going to have a web site of my own when I downloaded them, I have never kept any kind of record of who scanned them and posted them. My ultimate aim is to replace all of these images with my own scans, a process which is now largely complete. If anybody recognises an image on this site as one they have provided, they can email me and I will credit them or remove the image.

Much of the information contained within this site is taken from the following sources :

The Original Series
The Next Generation
Deep Space Nine
Strange New Worlds
The Animated Series
Lower Decks
The Motion Picture
The Wrath of Khan
The Search for Spock
The Voyage Home
The Final Frontier
The Undiscovered Country
First Contact
Star Trek XI
Star Trek Into Darkness
Star Trek Beyond

All of the above are copyrighted by Paramount Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended and this material is for personal use only.

Further information has been taken from the following sources :

Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual, written by Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda, Copyright 1991 by Paramount Pictures.
Star Trek Deep Space Nine Technical Manual, written by Herman Zimmerman, Rick Sternbach and Doug Drexler, Copyright 1998 by Paramount Pictures.
Star Trek Encyclopedia, second edition, written by Michael Okuda and Denise Okuda, Copyright 1997 by Paramount Pictures.
Star Trek Chronology, second edition, written by Michael Okuda, Copyright 1996 by Paramount Pictures.
Star Trek - Starfleet Technical Manual, written by Franz Joseph, Copyright 1975 by Franz Joseph Designs

No copyright infringement is intended and this material is for personal use only.

Other sources are less frequently used, and have been credited at the point of use.

Original information contained within this site is © Graham & Ian Kennedy. It may be used as outlined in the FAQ.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 211,699 Last updated : 31 Dec 2013