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Cookie Usage

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers sent to your computer or mobile phone when you visit a website, such as ours. It means that the website can recognise your computer or phone if you return to the same site.

Cookies are used for different purposes. These include remembering personalised preferences on websites, recording items that you have put into a shopping basket, and counting and analysing the visitors coming to a website. In our case we use the following cookies:

Site Cookies

These are used when you visit the main site:
When is it created : Created when you visit the site.
Purpose : Used to store the site session cookie. This allows the site to remember choices you make on pages such as the 'Size charts', 'Additional people', 'Additional species', 'Search' and your score for the 'Sudden death' game. Next time you visit these pages, within your current browsing session, you will find that they remember the choices you made.
When is it removed : When you close your web browser.
Assessment : This cookie is required for the site to function correctly.

Forum Cookies

These are used when you visit the forum:
Name : phpbb3_5j2dd_u
When is it created : Created when you visit the sites forum.
Purpose : Used to store an encrypted version of your forum user id. Storing this prevents you from having to login to each and every page you look at.
When is it removed : When you close your web browser.
Assessment : This cookie is required for the forum to function correctly.
Name : phpbb3_5j2dd_k
When is it created : Created when you visit the sites forum.
Purpose : Used to store which topics have been read during the current session.
When is it removed : When you close your web browser.
Assessment : This cookie is required for the forum to function correctly.
Name : phpbb3_5j2dd_sid
When is it created : Created when you visit the sites forum.
Purpose : Used to store the forum session id, which it uses to remember choices you make during your visit.
When is it removed : When you close your web browser.
Assessment : This cookie is required for the forum to function correctly.
Name : style_cookie
When is it created : Created when you visit the sites forum.
Purpose : Used to store the forum style currently being used. In our case there is no value present for this item as you are not able to change the forum style.
When is it removed : When you close your web browser.
Assessment : This cookie is required for the forum to function correctly.


As you can see, in our case, all of the cookies we use are required to make the site work correctly. We never keep personal information or track your activities in any way. We do not share any information with any third party, including Ad agencies, Google or anyone else.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 291,942 Last updated : 31 Dec 2013