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Talarian Fleet

Class Dimentions metres Mass
Crew Warp Speeds
Length Beam Height Decks Norm Cruise Max Cruise Max Rated
Observation Ship 160 [1] 65 117 7 120 40 6 7 9.2 10
Talarian Freighter 290 [2] - - - - - - - - -
War Ship 200 [3] 80 113 8 180 80 5 6 8 10
* Cochrane Scale

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Speculative Approximation - assumed to be somewhat smaller than the approximately 75 metre long Talarian Warship.
2 Speculative Approximation
3 Speculative Approximation, based on comparisons to the Enterprise-D in the episode.
Source : Speculative
Comment : Approximation - assumed to be somewhat smaller than the approximately 75 metre long Talarian Warship.
Source : Speculative
Comment : Approximation
Source : Speculative
Comment : Approximation, based on comparisons to the Enterprise-D in the episode.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 74,578 Last updated : 11 Dec 2005