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Chain of Command, Part 2

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Title :
Chain of Command, Part 2
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
21 Dec 1992
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
6 x 11
Main Cast :
Guest Cast :
Why does Gul Madred's daughter wear a military uniform? Isn't she a little young to be in the military, or is there some sort of youngster's cadet force on Cardassia?
Great Moment :
Patrick Stewart's performance in this episode is simply amazing.
Body Count :
Zero, unless you count Madred's confidence.
Factoid :
Method actor Patrick Stewart insisted on performing nude for real in the scene in which Picard is stripped by his captors.


While the Enterprise crew struggles with the Cardassians and their own commander, Picard must endure torture at the hands of the sinister Gul Madred.


Another superb performance by Patrick Stewart.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 45,691 Last updated : 24 Jan 2004