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Title :
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
31 Jan 2001
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
7 x 12
Main Cast :
Guest Cast :
Tim deZarn as Yediq
Jeff Kober as Iko
Gregg Poland as Voyager Security Officer
F. J. Rio as Joleg
Near the end of the episode when one of the other murderers asks Neelix why he can't have the same surgery, Neelix just acts disgusted. Well, why can't he? Okay he's a different species, but isn't it worth at least having the EMH examine him to see if it's possible? Surely all the murderers should have the same opportunity as the first.
Great Moment :
Nothing much really stands out for me, but the murderer confronting the family of his victims is probably the best scene.
Body Count :
None, although all of the prisoners probably die shortly after the episode.
Factoid :
Tim deZarn also played Halb in the DS9 episode "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night", Haliz in Voyager's "Initiations" and Satler in the TNG episode "Starship Mine".


Answering a distress call, Janeway beams a group aboard from a damaged ship just before it explodes - to find herself saddled with a group of guards and the murderers they are taking home to be executed. The Prime Directive says that she cannot interfere, but when one of the prisoners is beaten by his guards the EMH's treatment has the side effect of curing him of all of his violent tendencies. But will the alien's justice system allow a man to avoid the death penalty even if he has been completely reformed?
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 30,014 Last updated : 15 Oct 2005