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Actor Biography - Martha Hackett


Series 0 1 2 3
Deep Space Nine 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 3.00
Voyager 12 0 1 1 8 1 1 3.00
Total 14 0 1 2 8 2 1 3.00


deep space nine

Title Role Season episode Airdate Stardate Year Rating
The Search, Part 1 Subcommander T'Rul 3 x 01 46 26 Sep 1994 48213.1 2371 Rating 4
The Search, Part 2 Subcommander T'Rul 3 x 02 47 3 Oct 1994 48213.1 2371 Rating 2


Title Role Season episode Airdate Stardate Year Rating
Parallax Seska 1 x 02 2 23 Jan 1995 48439.7 2371 Rating 1
Phage Seska 1 x 04 4 6 Feb 1995 48532.4 2371 Rating 3
Emanations Seska 1 x 08 8 13 Mar 1995 48623.5 2371 Rating 3
Prime Factors Seska 1 x 09 9 20 Mar 1995 48642.5 2371 Rating 5
State of Flux Seska 1 x 10 10 10 Apr 1995 48658.2 2371 Rating 3
Maneuvers Seska 2 x 11 26 20 Nov 1995 49208.5 2372 Rating 3
Alliances Seska 2 x 14 29 22 Jan 1996 49337.4 2372 Rating 3
Lifesigns Seska 2 x 19 34 26 Feb 1996 49504.3 2372 Rating 2
Basics, Part 1 Seska 2 x 26 41 20 May 1996 Unknown 2372 Rating 3
Basics, Part 2 Seska 3 x 01 42 4 Sep 1996 50023.4 2373 Rating 4
Worst Case Scenario Seska 3 x 25 66 7 May 1997 50953.4 2373 Rating 3
Shattered Seska 7 x 10 155 17 Jan 2001 Various 2377 Rating 3

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 19,771 Last updated : 22 Jan 2015