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The Killing Game, Part 2

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Title :
The Killing Game, Part 2
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
4 Mar 1998
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
4 x 19
Main Cast :
Guest Cast :
J. Paul Boehmer as Nazi Kapitan
Mark Deakins as Hirogen SS Officer
Paul Eckstein as Young Hirogen
Danny Goldring as Alpha Hirogen
Peter Hendrixson as Klingon
Mark Metcalf as Hirogen Medic
Body Count :
One Voyager fatality is mentioned. One Hirogen is killed by Janeway. The total casulaties of this episode could be a significant fraction of the crew - we just don't know.


Voyager is captured by the Hirogen and her crew are implanted with devices which force false personalities and memories on them so that they can partake in elaborate holodeck recreations of battles. With many of the officers now fighting in World War II, the Hriogen adopt the guise of Nazis.All hell breaks loose on Voyager when US and Free French forces break out of the holodeck and start hunting the hunters.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 30,713 Last updated : 10 Apr 2004