Title :
For the Cause
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
6 May 1996
Stardate :
Director :
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Season Ep :
This episode establishes that the Maquis are not Federation citizens. So how come Starfleet is always after them? Okay, some of them have committed crimes in Federation space - Eddington, for example. But many of them have not, yet Starfleet seems to go for any Maquis they can lay their hands on.
Great Moment :
In "Way of the Warrior", Kasidy asks a casual question about all the activity on the docking ring. I was sure that she was Founder infiltrator. The writers pulled a fast one and made her a traitor instead. Nice little touch there.
Sisko must face evidence that his girlfriend Kasidy Yates is a trator to the Federation. But she's not the only one...