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Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion

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Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion
Title : Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion
Writers : Larry Nemecek
Published : 2003
Publisher : Simon & Schuster
ISBN : 0743457986
Rating : 4
Editions : There are two editions, on e which covers TNG through to Generations and one which updates it to Nemesis.


A good accompanyment to the series, the TNG Companion gives a basic synopsis for each episode along with some interesting behind the scenes stories. The locations used, the was that sets are redressed and reused, the trouble it took to get a certain shot done just right, how special effects shots were accomplished, all the little background titbits that help you realise just what a mammoth task it was to turn out a series like TNG. There are pictures in black and white to accompany the text.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 56,968 Last updated : 9 Nov 2014