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Titan Book 7 : Fallen Gods

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Titan Book 7 : Fallen Gods
Title : Titan Book 7 : Fallen Gods Titan Book 7 : Fallen Gods
Writers : Michael A. Martin
Published : 2012
Publisher : Pocket Books
ISBN : 1451660626
Rating : 0
Editions :


The Starship Titan continues on her outward voyage of discovery in this latest exciting novel.

Though the Federation still reels from Andor's political decision that will forever affect the Federation, Captain William T. Riker and the crew of the USS Titan are carrying out Starfleet's renewed commitment to deep space exploration. While continuing to search the Beta Quadrant's unknown expanses for an ancient civilizations long-lost quick-terraforming technology – a potential boon to many Borg-ravaged worlds across the Federation and beyond – Titan's science specialists encounter the planet Ta'ith, home to the remnant of a once-great society that may hold the very secrets they seek. But this quest also takes Titan perilously close to the deadly Vela Pulsar, the galaxy's most prolific source of lethal radiation, potentially jeopardizing both Titan and what remains of the Ta'ithan civilization.

Meanwhile, Riker finds himself on a collision course with the Federation Council and the Andorian government, both of which intend to deprive Titan of its Andorian crewmembers. And one of those Andorians – Lieutenant Pava Ek'Noor sh'Aqabaa – uncovers a terrible danger that has been hiding in plain sight for more than two centuries...

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