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What's new - Mar 2009


30 Mar 2009

B'Elanna Torres was your pick for the worst chief engineer! Hmmmm, interesting choice.

This week we are starting a new run of polls related to the upcoming Star Trek XI movie. We're starting by asking your thoughts on the trailers, one by one. So this week we invite you to give your thoughts on the teaser trailer...

Caption Competition
Congratulations to jg, who won another one - his (her?) sixth win, springing him (her?) into 4th place overall! This week, a pic from Voyager's "The Q and the Gray".

26 Mar 2009

Forum issues
There has been an issue for some users. We think that it is now fixed, however, we need people to confirm this. If you've had the problem please try the site now and let me know if it's still not working.

22 Mar 2009

RSS Feed
We've now setup an RSS feed for the what's new items. You can subscribe to this feed and see what's new in DITL without visiting the site. The site should be anouncing the feed already, but if your web browser isn't seeing it the url is Firefox, Safari, Opera and even IE7 all know how to deal with this feed.
Montgomery Scott was the runaway winner for best Chief Engineer. This week we ask who was the worst.
Caption Competition
Congratulations to Tsukiyumi, winner of last week's competition. This week, a shot from DS9's "Behind The Lines".

15 Mar 2009

T'Pol won your award for worst science officer. Interesting choice, and wouldn't have been mine, but the people have spoken!

This week we ask about chief engineer.

Caption Competition
Congratulations to Pwn Believable, winner of last week's competition. This week, a picture from TNG's "Cost of Living".

8 Mar 2009

So Spock won best science officer, with Data a close second and everyone else far behind. This week we turn it around as usual and ask for the worst...
Caption Competition
Congratulations to Bodhi, winner of last week's competition. This week, an image from The Original Series "Mudd's Women".

1 Mar 2009

Pulaski won by a mile as the Doctor who you would least want treating you. Interesting, she's a horrible person but always seemed a competent Doctor to me. This week we're asking who the best science officer was.
Caption Competition
Congratulations to Bodhi, winner of last week's competition. This week, a shot from Enterprise's "The Xindi".

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 22,355 Last updated : 30 Mar 2009