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Timeline - 2100S


Year Event
 [1] Ambassador Soval fires a weapon for the last time prior to 2152 [1]
  People :  Ambassador Soval
Picture from 2102  [2] The Klingon, Kolos, becomes an advocate. [3]
  People :  Kolos
  Species :  Klingons
 [4] Mars is colonized by Earth. [4]
  Species :  Humans
Picture from 2103  [5] The ECS Horizon is built. It is rumoured that Zefram Cochrane signed the casing of the warp reactor. [5]
  People :  Zefram Cochrane
  Species :  Humans
 [6] A Vulcan ship discovers Berengaria VII. The crew's report includes the discovery of fire breathing flying reptiles more than 200 metres in length. This is rather doubted by many on Vulcan [7], though the report is in fact accurate. [8]
  Species :  Vulcans
 [9] Eight women are knifed to death by an unknown assailant on the Martian colony. The murders go unsolved until it is later found that Redjac committed them. [9]
  People :  Mister Hengist
 [10] The Vulcan and Andorians agree a territorial compromise over the planet Weytahn / Pan Mokar. Despite the agreement tensions remain high and the two sides almost go to war twice over the next 92 years. [10]
  Species :  Andorians, Vulcans


Year Event
 [11] A World government is formed on Earth. [11]
  Species :  Humans
Picture from 2114  [12] Phlox becomes a doctor [12]
  People :  Phlox
 [13] The Warp 5 complex is founded on Earth, dedicated to building a warp engine capable of reaching over one hundred times the speed of light. Zefram Cochrane, now a resident of Alpha Centuri, departs on a trip into deep space afterwards. He vanishes, and is eventually presumed to have died in space. [14]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval, Zefram Cochrane
  Species :  Humans


Year Event
 [15] The Neyel Hanif Wafiyy is born on the Vanguard asteroid. By 2204, he will become the “Drech’tor” of the asteroid. [15]
  Species :  Humans, Neyel
Picture from 2121  [16] Warp specialist Henry Archer enjoys a day at the beach with his son Jonathan, teaching him to fly a remote controlled model spacecraft. Archer imparts the lesson that Jonathan must not be afraid to take on the elements when flying, advice that he would remember as Captain of the NX-01 thirty years later. [14]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Henry Archer
  Species :  Humans
 [17] The Vulcan Ministry of Security sends agents to infiltrate the criminal syndicates on the planet Agoran at the request of the government. Some of the agents will later refuse to return to Vulcan, though all will eventually be recaptured. [17]
  Species :  Vulcans, Vulcans
Picture from 2122  [18] T'Pau is born. [18]
  People :  T'Pau
  Species :  Vulcans
 [19] Spacecraft SS Mariposa is launched. The craft carries two groups of colonists bound for the Ficus sector. It settles colonies on Bringloid V and Mariposa, where it crashes on landing leaving only five survivors. [19]
  Species :  Humans
 [20] Travis Mayweather is born. [20]
  People :  Travis Mayweather
  Species :  Humans
 [21] T'Pol undergoes a dental procedure to seal her teeth with tri-fluorinate compound. Despite the treatment, some decay will appear by 2151. [21]
  People :  T'Pol
  Species :  Vulcans
 [22] Hoshi Sato is born on 9th July, the second child in a family of three. [23]
  People :  Hoshi Sato
  Species :  Humans


Year Event
Picture from 2130  [24] A Kantare ship is disabled by an Ion storm and crash-lands on an uninhabited class M planet. Only two people survive the crash, Chief Engineer Ezral and his daughter Liana. They remain on the planet until 2152. [24]
  Species :  Kantarean
 [25] Thirty Paraagans establish a mining colony on a class M planet. The colony will grow to 3,600 people by 2152. [25]
 [26] The Klingon advocate, Kolos, begins serving in one of the courts on a Klingon world. He will remain in the same post for the next twenty years. [3]
  People :  Kolos
  Species :  Klingons
 [27] A Klingon ship emerges from the Delphic Expanse, the crew still alive despite having been anatomically inverted. Even in 2153 Klingons will still fear the Expanse because of this incident. [27]
  Species :  Klingons
Picture from 2133  [28] Dr. Arik Soong steals a number of genetically engineered embryos from Cold Station 12. [29]
  People :  Doctor Arik Soong
  Species :  Humans
 [30] T'Pol graduates from the Vulcan Ministry of Security. Her first assignment is to capture seven Vulcan agents who have refused to leave the planet Agoran. T'Pol captures five of the agents, and is forced to kill the sixth. The seventh, Menos, escapes. Guilty at her actions, T'Pol leaves the Ministry of Security and spends time at the monastery on P'Jem. [30]
  People :  T'Pol
  Species :  Vulcans
 [31] Captain Vanik becomes Captain of the Ti'Mur. [31]
 [32] An artifact is uncovered on Vulcan by Syrran. The artifact bears Surak's katra, which Syrran is able to recover. [32]
  People :  T'Pau, Surak, Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval
  Species :  Vulcans


Year Event
Picture from 2141  [33] The Vulcan Kov has a falling out with his father. The rift will last for at least the next ten years, at which time Kov's father is a minister at the Vulcan High Command. Kov will refuse several offers of reconciliation from his father during that time. [34]
  People :  Kov
Picture from 2142  [35] Shran gains command of the Kumari, an Andorian warship. [36]
  People :  Shran
  Species :  Andorians
 [37] Archer meets Trip for the first time whilst serving as an engineer on the NX test program. [37]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III
 [38] Archer becomes the pilot of the second successful warp 2 flight. Although the flight is unauthorised and takes place over the objections of the Vulcan advisors, the success leads to the engine design being approved for further development. [38]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval
  Species :  Humans
 [39] Reed attends a family reunion - his last until at least 2153. [39]
  People :  Malcolm Reed
 [40] Phlox speaks to his son Mettus for the last time prior to 2153, the two having fallen out over Phlox's attitude towards the Antarans. [40]
  People :  Phlox
  Species :  Denobulans, Antaran
 [41] The Vulcan ship Vahklas leaves the planet with a group of V'tosh ka'tur - 'Vulcans without logic' - who are experimenting with creating a new lifestyle for themselves. [41]
  People :  Kov, Tavin, Tolaris
  Species :  Vulcans
 [42] The Suliban begin to launch a series of attacks against the Tandarans. [42]
  Species :  Suliban, Tandaran
 [43] Dr. Arik Soong is captured and imprisoned. He refuses to say what he did with the genetically engineered embryos he stole from Cold Station 12 more than a decade before. [29]
  People :  Doctor Arik Soong
  Species :  Humans
 [44] Lela dies. The Dax symbiont is joined to Tobin. He subsequently becomes a mathematician and engineer. [45]
  People :  Dax
  Species :  Trill
 [46] The Borg assimilate Species 262, a primitive species which posessed some legends of a substance which could burn the sky. The Borg followed this trail to a dozen other species, eventually discovering the Omega molecule. [46]
  Species :  Borg, Borg Species 262
 [47] A Xindi insectoid born in this year will be killed when his ship crashes in 2154. [47]
  Species :  Xindi Aquatics, Xindi Arboreals, Xindi Insectoids, Xindi Primates, Xindi Reptilians
 [48] Starfleet begins working on a method of generating a forcefield barrier. [48]
  Species :  Humans
 [37] Archer saves Trip's life. [37]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III
 [49] Sorak is born. [50]
  People :  Lieutenant Sorak
 [51] T'Pol moves to Earth as part of the Vulcan diplomatic mission on the planet. [51]
  People :  T'Pol
  Species :  Humans, Vulcans
Picture from 2149  [52] Mayweather leaves the ECS Horizon so he can join Starfleet. [52]
  People :  Travis Mayweather
 [53] Phlox sees his second wife, Feezal, for the last time prior to 2152. [53]
  People :  Phlox, Feezal


Year Event
 [54] Earth's world government is formed. [55]
  Species :  Humans
 [56] Captain Archer requests a personal evaluation from the former commanding officers of the candidates he is reviewing for the position of helm officer. Ensign Mayweather's father responds with a single line claiming that his son is the most natural rudder and stick man he has ever known, and Archer would be a fool not to select him. The letter wins Mayweather the post. [56]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Travis Mayweather
Picture from 2151  [14] Archer becomes captain of Enterprise, NX-01, the first Human warp 5 capable vessel. His crew includes Trip Tucker as Chief Engineer, Reed as Armoury Officer, Mayweather as Helmsman, T'Pol as Science officer, Phlox as Chief Medical officer, and Hoshi as Linguist and Communications officer. [14]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox, Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval
  Species :  Humans
 [37] Enterprise embarks on its maiden voyage, returning the Klingon Klaang to his home world. This marks the first contact between Humanity and the Klingons. Although apparently successful at the time [14], the contact ultimately proves disastrous and leads to decades of hostilities between the two powers. [57]
  People :  Charles Tucker III, Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval, Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Klingons, Humans
Picture from 2151  [58] The NX-01 makes first contact with the Axanar. [58]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Axanar, Humans
 [14] Trip becomes the first Human male to become pregnant after an encounter with a Xyrillian woman. [37]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Humans
 [59] Enterprise travels to Terra Nova, Earth's first extrasolar colony, and contacts the descendants of the original colonists. [59]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Humans
 [60] Archer reveals the existence of a secret Vulcan intelligence installation beneath the Vulcan monastery at P'Jem to the Andorians. Shortly afterwards they destroy both the monastery and the base beneath. [60]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval, Shran
  Species :  Humans, Andorians, Vulcans
Picture from 2151  [61] Enterprise rescues a Klingon scoutship from a gas giant planet. The action does little to endear the crew to the Klingons. [61]
  People :  Bu'Kah
  Species :  Klingons
 [62] Silik infiltrates the NX-01 whilst it is observing the great Plume of Agosoria. He sabotages the ship in order to save it from an accident which would otherwise have destroyed it. Archer attempts to capture Silik with the assistance of Daniels, but fails. [62]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Silik, Daniels
  Species :  Suliban
 [34] The NX-01 encounters a group of Vulcans who believe in experiencing emotions. T'Pol is forced to undergo a mind meld by one of the group, contracting Pa'nar Syndrome in the process. [34]
  People :  T'Pol, Tolaris, Kov, Tavin
  Species :  Vulcans
Picture from 2151  [63] The NX-01 encounters a rogue planet drifting between star systems. First contact with both the Eska and Wraiths on the planet. [63]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Eska, Wraith
 [64] The NX-01 recovers Vulcan ambassador V'Lar from the planet Mazar and returns her to a Vulcan ship, in spite of some resistance from the Mazarites. [64]
  People :  T'Pol
  Species :  Vulcans, Mazarite
 [65] The NX-01 Enterprise visits Risa, the first Human vessel to do so. Half of the crew have the opportunity to enjoy two days and nights of shore leave on the planet. [65]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, Malcolm Reed, Hoshi Sato
  Species :  Risans, Humans
Picture from 2152  [66] Enterprise wanders into a cloaked minefield; first contact between Humanity and the Romulan Star Empire. [66]
  Species :  Romulans, Humans
 [67] The NX-01 visits the Kretassian homeworld. Despite some minor diplomatic embarrasments, the visit is ultimately successful. [67]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Kreetassan, Humans
 [68] T'Pau travels to the T'Karath sanctuary in The Forge. She remains here continuously for at least the next two years. [68]
  People :  T'Pau
 [69] First contact between Humanity and the Retellian species occurs when the NX-01 encounters a Retellian ship. The contact turns sour when the Retellians are found to be kidnappers smuggling a victim. [69]
  People :  Jonathan Archer
  Species :  Humans
 [69] First contact between Humanity and the Kriosian species occurs when the NX-01 encounters a Retellian ship. The contact turns sour when the Retellians are found to be kidnappers smuggling a Kriosian Princess. The NX-01 is able to rescue the Princess and return her to her people. [69]
  Species :  Retellian, Kriosians, Humans
 [70] First contact with the Takret. The crew of the NX-01 are forced to shelter in the ship's nacelles when an energy storm threatens the ship. The Takret military makes an unsuccessful attempt to steal the ship during the storm. [70]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Takret, Humans
Picture from 2152  [71] The NX-01 visits Dekendi III for an inter-species medical conference. Phlox attempts to gain access to information concerning Pa'nar Syndrome in order to facilitate his treatment of T'Pol. The attempt fails, and T'Pol is almost expelled from the High Command for participating in a mind meld. When it is revealed that the meld was against her will, she is allowed to retain her post. [71]
  People :  T'Pol, Phlox
 [72] Captain Archer negotiates a ceasefire between the Vulcans and Andorians, resolving the Weytahn / Pan Mokar crisis. This marks the first time Humans are able to provide major assistance to the Vulcans. [72]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval, Shran
  Species :  Vulcans, Andorians
Picture from 2152  [73] The NX-01 apparently causes the destruction of a Paraagan mining colony with the loss of over 3,000 lives. Captain Archer is able to prove that the Suliban actually caused the explosion. Captain Archer is taken into the future by Daniels; the NX-01 is subsequently captured briefly by the Suliban, but escapes with archer's help. [73]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox, Silik, Daniels, Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval
  Species :  Suliban, Humans
 [74] The NX-01 discovers a disabled vessel drifting in space. The ship proves to be from the future; in spite of considerable interference from the Tholians and Suliban, Archer is successful in returning the vessel to its rightful owners. [74]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Tholians, Suliban, Humans
 [3] Captain Archer is captured by the Klingons and charged with assisting a group of rebels. His advocate, Kolos, is unable to save him despite considerable evidence in his favour. Convicted, he is sent to Rura Pente but subsequently escapes thanks to some bribery by the NX-01 crew. [3]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Kolos
  Species :  Klingons
 [75] Travis Mayweather visits his home ship, the ECS Horizon, for the first time since leaving to join Starfleet. He is saddened to learn of his father's recent death. [75]
  People :  Travis Mayweather
 [76] A group of Borg which have been frozen on Earth's polar region since being destroyed by the Enterprise-E in 2063 are revived by a team which is investigating the debris. They assimilate the investigators and escape the planet, but are subsequently destroyed by the NX-01 [76]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Borg, Humans
Picture from 2153  [77] A Xindi attack on Earth kills 7 million people, including Trip's sister Elizabeth. Enterprise is recalled and sent to the Delphic Expanse to investigate the origin of the Xindi weapon and prevent further attacks. [77]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox, Silik, Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval
  Species :  Humans, Xindi Aquatics, Xindi Arboreals, Xindi Insectoids, Xindi Primates, Xindi Reptilians
 [77] T'Pol resigns from the Vulcan High Command to take part in Enterprise's mission to the Delphic Expanse. [77]
  People :  T'Pol
  Species :  Vulcans
 [78] The Enterprise discovers the Vulcan ship Seleya adrift in the expanse, it's crew driven insane by the effects of Trellium-D. T'Pol also experiences the effects of the substance when she boards the ship [78]; she becomes a habitual user of it afterwards. [79]
  People :  T'Pol
  Species :  Vulcans
Picture from 2153  [80] The NX-01 discovers a Xindi outpost which is assisting in the construction of the weapon intended to destroy Earth. Archer manages to convince the leader of the facility to sabotage his next shipment. [80]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Humans, Xindi Aquatics, Xindi Arboreals, Xindi Insectoids, Xindi Primates, Xindi Reptilians
 [81] The NX-01 encounters a group of Humans who have lived on a planet in the Delphic Expanse for more than a centry after being abducted from Earth by the Skagarans. The humans had since overthrown the Skagarans, who were treated as second class citizens. [81]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Humans, Skagaran
Picture from 2153  [82] When Trip is badly injured in an accident, Phlox creates a replica of him from a Lyssarian desevae in order to harvest neural tissue, in spite of the fact that the replica is a sentient being who will be killed by the procedure. The replica, named Sim, enjoys a brief romantic attraction to T'pol before his death. [82]
  People :  Charles Tucker III, Phlox, T'Pol
  Species :  Lyssarian Desert Larvae
 [83] The prototype Xindi weapon fails a test firing thanks to the sabotage arranged by Captain Archer. Archer's attempt to steal the weapon fails, but he is able to acquire detailed scans of the device thanks to some help from Shran. [83]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Shran
  Species :  Xindi Aquatics, Xindi Arboreals, Xindi Insectoids, Xindi Primates, Xindi Reptilians
 [84] The NX-01 discovers a sentient being adrift in a pod within a super-anomaly. This marks first contact with the Sphere Builders. [84]
  Species :  Sphere Builders, Humans
 [85] The NX-01 is badly damaged by the Xindi whilst attempting to destroy the final version of the weapon at Azati Prime. Thanks to Daniels' intervention, Archer is able to convince Degra that Humanity may not be responsible for the destruction of the Xindi Homeworld in the future. [85]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox, Daniels
  Species :  Xindi Aquatics, Xindi Arboreals, Xindi Insectoids, Xindi Primates, Xindi Reptilians
 [86] Hoshi is kidnapped by the Xindi Reptillians. [87] Major Hayes is killed during a successful rescue attempt by the MACOs. [86]
  People :  Hoshi Sato, Major Hayes
  Species :  Xindi Aquatics, Xindi Arboreals, Xindi Insectoids, Xindi Primates, Xindi Reptilians
Picture from 2154  [88] Captain Archer destroys the Xindi weapon as it approaches Earth. [88]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox, Shran
  Species :  Humans, Xindi Aquatics, Xindi Arboreals, Xindi Insectoids, Xindi Primates, Xindi Reptilians
 [88] NX-01 Enterprise destroys the sphere network maintaining the Delphic Expanse. [88]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Sphere Builders, Xindi Aquatics, Xindi Arboreals, Xindi Insectoids, Xindi Primates, Xindi Reptilians
 [88] In the aftermath of the defeat of the Sphere Builders, the NX-01 is returned to Earth by the Xindi. As the ship arrives it is sent into the past [89] by Daniels in order to combat the Na'kuhl's disruption of Earth's timeline. Daniels is killed in the process by unknown causes. Unknownst to the crew, Silik stows away on the ship when it travels to 1944. [89]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox, Silik, Daniels
  Species :  Sphere Builders, Humans, Xindi Aquatics, Xindi Arboreals, Xindi Insectoids, Xindi Primates, Xindi Reptilians
 [90] The NX-01 returns from 1944 safely, having defeated the Na'kuhl and ended the Temporal Cold War. The destruction of the Na'kuhl time machine restores the timeline, resurrecting Daniels. [90] Silik is killed in the past during the mission. [91]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox, Silik, Daniels
  Species :  Humans, Na'kuhl
Picture from 2154  [29] A group of genetically engineered Humans steal a Klingon bird of prey, murdering the crew in the process. The NX-01 is sent to capture the Augments. During the mission, several of the crew are captured by Orion slavers but subsequently rescued successfully. [29]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Humans, Klingons
 [92] The Augmented Humans assault Cold Station 12, stealing samples of various deadly diseases. [92]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Phlox
  Species :  Humans
 [93] Captain Archer is able to destroy the stolen Bird of Prey, killing the Augments. [93]
  People :  Jonathan Archer
  Species :  Humans, Klingons
Picture from 2154  [94] The Earth embassy on Vulcan is badly damaged by a terrorist bomb, killing doezens of people - including Admiral Forrest. Although the Syrrannites are initially blamed [94], it is discovered that administrator V'Las is actually responsible for the crime as part of his campaign to discredit and destroy the Syrrannites in preparation for his planned war against the Andorians. [68] Although the attack on Andoria does begin, V'Las is deposed and the attack halted. [95]
  People :  T'Pau, Surak, Jonathan Archer, Admiral Forrest, Shran
  Species :  Andorians, Humans
 [36] Shran's ship, the Kumari, is destroyed, apparently by a Tellarite ship. Further investigation reveals that the attacker was in fact a Romulan drone ship designed to mimic other vessels. [36] Captain Archer is able to gather a multi-species fleet to track down the drone ship. [96] He is ultimately able to destroy it. [97]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Shran
  Species :  Romulans, Andorians, Tellarites, Humans
Picture from 2154  [98] The Klingons begin to experiment with captured DNA from Human Augments. An accidental by-product of the experiment is a deadly disease which spreads rapidly to large numbers of Klingons. [98] Phlox is able to cure the lethal phase of the disease, but can do nothing about the early stages - a sympton of which is the loss of the characteristic Klingon forehead ridges. Many millions of Klinons are expected to lose their ridges over the following months. [99]
  People :  Phlox
  Species :  Klingons, Humans
 [7] The Orions attempt to capture the NX-01 by infiltrating the ship with three females. The attempt fails. Commander Tucker returns to the ship as Chief Engineer. [7]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, D'Nesh, Navaar, Maras, Harrad-Sar
  Species :  Orions
Picture from 2155  [100] John Frederick Paxton comandeers the Verteron array on Mars and attempts to use it to blackmail Earth into severing all relations with alien species. [100] The attempt fails when Captain Archer infiltrates Paxton's ship. [101]
  People :  John Frederick Paxton
  Species :  Humans
 [102] Trip and T'Pol end their romantic involvement. [102]
  People :  Charles Tucker III, T'Pol
 [15] The Vanguard asteroid colony encounts an area of interphasic space and is catapulted some 210,000 light years through space, into the Small Magellanic Cloud. [15]
  Species :  Humans, Neyel
 [103] Shran has a daughter, Talla, by a woman named Jhamel. [103]
  People :  Shran, Talla
 [104] The USS Columbia is attacked by Romulan warships whilst escorting a convoy of civilian vessels. Badly damaged, the Columbia is forced to travel on high impulse to a nearby star system. The ship will take 12 years to reach the system, although time dilation effects mean that only two months pass for the Columbia. [104]
 [105] The Earth/Romulan War begins. [105]
  Species :  Romulans, Humans
 [9] Two women are knifed to death in Heliopolis City on Alpha Eridani II. Unsolved at the time, it is later discovered that the entity known as Redjac committed them. [9]
  People :  Mister Hengist
 [106] Shran fakes his own death. [106]
  People :  Shran


Year Event
 [107] Romulan War ends. [107]
  Species :  Romulans, Humans
 [108] Shran is found to still be alive by the criminal gang he was hiding from. [108]
  People :  Shran
 [109] Charles Tucker dies, sacrificing himself to defeat a criminal gang who boarded the Enterprise. [109]
  People :  Charles Tucker III
 [110] The United Federation of Planets is formed by the Human, Vulcan, Andorian and Tellarite governments. [85]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Vulcans, Humans, Tellarites, Andorians
 [111] Earth's Military Assault Command Operations organisation is disbanded and its personnel merged into the new Federation Starfleet. [112]
  People :  Krall
  Species :  Humans
 [111] Captain Balthazar Edison is assigned command of the USS Franklin, NX-326. A former member of MACO who harbours ill-will towards the newly created Federation, Edison deeply resents the assignment. [112]
  People :  Krall
 [113] The USS Franklin, NX-326, the very first Human ship capable of travelling at Warp 4, is lost in the Gagarin asteroid belt. Unknown at the time, the ship is thrown across space by a wormhole and crashlands on the planet Altamid. [112]
  People :  Krall
  Species :  Humans
 [114] The drug felicium is used to stop a plague on the planet Ornara. The medicine proves to be powerfully addictive, and the whole population of Ornara become addicts. [114]
  Species :  Brekkian, Ornaran
 [115] A group of Doctors is sent to Sauria to find a cure for a plague which is raging on the planet. Amongst them is the highly respected physician, Sobon. [115]
  People :  Sobon
Picture from 2165  [116] Sarek is born on the planet Vulcan. [116]
  People :  Spock, Sarek
  Species :  Vulcans
 [117] Guinan had her last encounter with Q prior to 2365. [117]
  People :  Guinan, Q
  Species :  Q
 [118] Planet Deneva is colonised by the Federation. It is held by many to be one of the most beautiful planets in the galaxy. [118]
  Species :  Humans
 [119] The Starship Archon visits the planet Beta III in the C-111 system. The ship is destroyed by Landru, the planets controlling computer system. [119]
  People :  Landru
  Species :  DITL Species No. 212
 [120] The USS Essex is destroyed in an electromagnetic storm above a Class-M moon orbiting Mab-bu VI. The entire crew of 229 is lost. [120]
 [121] Hoshi Sato leaves Starfleet. [122]
  People :  Hoshi Sato
 [123] The Starship Horizon visits Sigma Iotia II, a planet lying about one hundred light years beyond Federation space. The crew leaves behind a copy of the book Chicago Mobs of the Twenties; unfortunately the natives come to regard the book as a blueprint for the ideal society. They subsequently remould their world into a close approximation of the book. [123]
  Species :  Iotian, Humans
Picture from 2168  [124] Settlers from Earth establish a colony on the planet Moab IV. They create a sealed biosphere in which they plan to create an ideal society using genetic engineering. [124]
 [104] The USS Columbia arrives at its destination, discovering a highly advanced alien species there. A native, Inyx, informs them that the planet is named Erigol, home-world of the Caeliar. The Caeliar are extreme isolationists, determined that outsiders will never know of their existence. As a result, they imprison the remaining Columbia crew on Erigol. [104]
 [104] Several of the Columbia MACOS rebel against Captain Hernandez, determined to escape from the Caeliar. They use Caeliar subspace tunnel technology in an attempt to escape and go back in time to 2156. During the attempt a powerful feedback signal from another galaxy causes a disaster, destroying Erigol and most of the Caeliar population. The Columbia is thrown through space to the Delta Quadrant; Axion, a surviving Caeliar city where Inyx and Captain Hernandez are located, is thrown 650 years, 7 months, 8 days, 11 hours and 43 minutes into the past. [104] A remnant of another city, Mantilis, with a small group of surviving Caeliar and MACOs, is thrown into the Delta Quadrant almost 6,700 years into the past. [125]
 [126] A new type of impulse engine is adopted. The basic design of impulse drive remains unchanged for at least two centuries. [126]
 [127] Jonathan Archer becomes Ambassador to Andoria. [23]
  People :  Jonathan Archer
  Species :  Andorians, Humans
 [15] An alien spacecraft lands on the Vanguard asteroid. It is quickly attacked and crippled by the inhabitants. The vessel’s power system, warp drive and gravity plating are all captured intact. Study of these systems will allow the “Vangar” inhabitants, who refer to themselves as the Neyel, to reproduce the technologies over the following decades. [15]
  Species :  Humans, Neyel


Year Event
Picture from 2170  [128] The Kavis Alpha neutron star explodes. This phenomena repeats itself every 196 years, and will occur again in 2366 when the Enterprise-D will be present to observe it. [128]
 [129] A group of Native Americans seek to preserve their cultural identity by leaving Earth to establish a home elsewhere. [129]
Picture from 2172  [130] Bajoran poet Akorem Laan is thought lost whilst on an interplanetary journey. He actually stumbles into the Bajoran Wormhole. [130]
  Species :  Bajorans
 [131] The Dominion inflict the planet Teplan with a disease known as the Blight. [131]
  Species :  Founders, Jem'Hadar, Vorta, Tellarites
 [127] Jonathan Archer steps down as Ambassador to Andoria and is elected as a Federation Councilman. [23]
  People :  Jonathan Archer
 [132] A civil war begins on the planet Gallonik III. The war was caused because the first treaty of global alliance contained a single misstatement, in the articles dealing with territorial sovereignty. This contained conflicting geographical coordinates in a section which established the borders between two rival sentient species. Historians would later judge that this was a simple transcription error. Seven hundred and thirty eight million Gallonikans were killed in the subsequent war. In 2265, Ambassador Jetanien would call the mistake one of the most picayune clerical blunders in recorded history. [132]


Year Event
 [127] Jonathan Archer steps down as a Federation Councilman. [23]
  People :  Jonathan Archer
 [127] Jonathan Archer becomes President of the United Federation of Planets. [127]
  People :  Jonathan Archer


Year Event
 [127] Jonathan Archer steps down as Federation President after eight years. [23]
  People :  Jonathan Archer
Picture from 2196  [120] The last Daedalus class Starship is withdrawn from service. [120]

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 ENT 2 Cease Fire Soval says he has not fired a weapon in 50 years
2 ENT 2 Judgment Kolos said he had been an advocate for 50 years
3 ENT 2 Judgment
4 VOY 2 The 37's
5 ENT 2 Horizon The ship is said to be 50 years old
6 ENT 4 Bound T'Pol said this happened over 50 years ago - this is 51 years before the episode.
7 ENT 4 Bound
8 TOS 1 This Side of Paradise
9 TOS 2 Wolf in the Fold said by computer
10 ENT 2 Cease Fire The agreement is said to have taken 8 years to agree
11 Star Trek : First Contact
12 ENT 3 Damage Phlox says he has been a medic for 40 years
13 ENT 1 Broken Bow At the Enterprise launching ceremony in 2151 the complex was stated to have been founded 32 years ago
14 ENT 1 Broken Bow
15 The Sundered
16 ENT 1 Broken Bow Stated to be thirty years prior to the episode date of 2151
17 ENT 2 The Seventh T'Pol says this happened 30 years ago. Note that she claimed to be too young to be one of the agents, though she was 34 at this time according to 'Zero Hour'. It may be that Vulcans of this period considered a person too young for responsibility until some time between 34 and 47, or it may be that T'Pol lied to conceal her true age.
18 ENT 4 The Forge Phlox said that T'pau was 32 standard years old. I'm presuming standard years equates to Earth years.
19 TNG 2 Up The Long Ladder
20 ENT 2 Dead Stop Phlox gives his age
21 ENT 1 Dear Doctor T'Pol said the treatment was 23 years ago
22 ENT 4 In A Mirror, Darkly Part II Visible on her onscreen biography
23 ENT 4 In A Mirror, Darkly Part II
24 ENT 1 Oasis Said to have happened 22 years before the episode
25 ENT 1 Shockwave, Part 1 The colony was said to be 20 years old
26 ENT 2 Judgment Kolos said he had been working in that court for 20 years
27 ENT 2 The Expanse The incident was said to have happened 20 years ago
28 ENT 4 Borderland Said to have happened more than 20 years ago - this is 21 years.
29 ENT 4 Borderland
30 ENT 2 The Seventh T'Pol describes the events which took place 17 years ago
31 ENT 1 Breaking the Ice Vanik says he has been captain of the ship for 15 years
32 ENT 4 The Forge A caption on the screen said this had happened seventeen years ago.
33 ENT 1 Fusion Admiral Forrest said this had happened 'about ten years ago'.
34 ENT 1 Fusion
35 ENT 4 Babel One Shran said this happened 12 years ago
36 ENT 4 Babel One
37 ENT 1 Unexpected
38 ENT 2 First Flight
39 ENT 2 Horizon Reed says his last family reunion was almost a decade ago; this is 9 years before the episode
40 ENT 2 The Breach Phlox says he has not spoke to his son in nearly ten years; this is 9 years before the episode
41 ENT 1 Fusion Eight years before the episode
42 ENT 1 Detained Said to have happened 8 years ago
43 ENT 4 Borderland Archer said Soong was captured a decade ago
44 Speculative Speculation
45 DS9 3 Facets
46 VOY 4 The Omega Directive Seven said this happened 229 years before the episode
47 ENT 3 Hatchery The Insectoid was said to be almost ten years old; this is 9 years before the episode
48 ENT 1 Vox Sola
49 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 3 - Reap The Whirlwind He was 118 years old in 2266
50 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 3 - Reap The Whirlwind
51 ENT 1 Fusion T'Pol says she lived on Earth for two years before going to Enterprise
52 ENT 2 Horizon Reed says this happened four years ago
53 ENT 2 Stigma Phlox says he has not seen his wife in nearly 4 years; this is three years before the episode
54 TNG 7 Attached
55 TNG 7 Attached Crusher states that this is when the world government was formed. It is commonly assumed that Crusher indicated that Australia was the last nation to join, but this is not the case.
56 ENT 2 Horizon Archer says this happened two and a half years ago
57 TNG 4 First Contact
58 ENT 1 Fight or Flight
59 ENT 1 Terra Nova
60 ENT 1 The Andorian Incident
61 ENT 1 Sleeping Dogs
62 ENT 1 Cold Front
63 ENT 1 Rogue Planet
64 ENT 1 Fallen Hero
65 ENT 1 Two Days and Two Nights
66 ENT 2 Minefield
67 ENT 2 A Night In Sickbay
68 ENT 4 Awakening
69 ENT 2 Precious Cargo
70 ENT 2 The Catwalk
71 ENT 2 Stigma
72 ENT 2 Cease Fire
73 ENT 1 Shockwave, Part 1
74 ENT 2 Future Tense
75 ENT 2 Horizon
76 ENT 2 Regeneration
77 ENT 3 The Xindi
78 ENT 3 Impulse
79 ENT 3 Damage
80 ENT 3 The Shipment
81 ENT 3 Twilight
82 ENT 3 North Star
83 ENT 3 Proving Ground
84 ENT 3 Harbinger
85 ENT 3 Azati Prime
86 ENT 3 Countdown
87 ENT 3 The Council
88 ENT 3 Zero Hour
89 ENT 4 Storm Front, Part I
90 ENT 4 Home
91 ENT 4 Storm Front, Part 2
92 ENT 4 Cold Station 12
93 ENT 4 The Augments
94 ENT 4 The Forge
95 ENT 4 Kir'Shara
96 ENT 4 United
97 ENT 4 The Aenar
98 ENT 4 Affliction
99 ENT 4 Divergence
100 ENT 4 Demons
101 ENT 4 Terra Prime
102 ENT 4 These Are The Voyages... T'Pol said this had been over for six years
103 ENT 4 These Are The Voyages... Shran said this happened five years ago
104 Star Trek : Destiny, Book 1 - Gods of Night
105 Star Trek Chronology second edition, page 32
106 ENT 4 These Are The Voyages... Shran was said to have died three years ago
107 Star Trek Chronology second edition, page 33
108 ENT 4 These Are The Voyages... Shran said they had located him six months ago
109 ENT 4 These Are The Voyages...
110 TNG 5 The Outcast
111 Star Trek Beyond Somewhat speculative - after the formation of the Federation in 'The early 2160s'
112 Star Trek Beyond
113 Speculative Scotty states that this happened in 'The Earth 2160s' Could be anything from 2161 to 2163.
114 TNG 1 Symbiosis Two hundred years ago.
115 Star Trek - Rise of the Federation, Book 2 : Tower of Babel
116 TOS 2 Journey to Babel
117 TNG 2 Q Who Q said their dealings were two centuries ago
118 TOS 1 Operation: Annihilate!
119 TOS 1 The Return of the Archons
120 TNG 5 Power Play
121 Speculative Hoshi's onscreen biography in "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II" says this happened in her late thirties. She would be 38 at this point.
122 ENT 4 In A Mirror, Darkly Part II Stated on her onscreen biography
123 TOS 2 A Piece of the Action
124 TNG 5 The Masterpiece Society
125 Star Trek : Destiny, Book 3 - Lost Souls
126 TNG 6 Relics
127 ENT 4 In A Mirror, Darkly Part II Date shown on his onscreen biography
128 TNG 3 Evolution
129 TNG 7 Journey's End
130 DS9 4 Accession Two hundred years ago.
131 DS9 4 The Quickening Two hundred years ago.
132 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Cease Fire
Comment : Soval says he has not fired a weapon in 50 years
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Judgment
Comment : Kolos said he had been an advocate for 50 years
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Judgment
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : The 37's
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Horizon
Comment : The ship is said to be 50 years old
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Bound
Comment : T'Pol said this happened over 50 years ago - this is 51 years before the episode.
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Bound
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : This Side of Paradise
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Wolf in the Fold
Comment : said by computer
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Cease Fire
Comment : The agreement is said to have taken 8 years to agree
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Damage
Comment : Phlox says he has been a medic for 40 years
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Broken Bow
Comment : At the Enterprise launching ceremony in 2151 the complex was stated to have been founded 32 years ago
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Broken Bow
Novel : The Sundered
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Broken Bow
Comment : Stated to be thirty years prior to the episode date of 2151
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Seventh
Comment : T'Pol says this happened 30 years ago. Note that she claimed to be too young to be one of the agents, though she was 34 at this time according to 'Zero Hour'. It may be that Vulcans of this period considered a person too young for responsibility until some time between 34 and 47, or it may be that T'Pol lied to conceal her true age.
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : The Forge
Comment : Phlox said that T'pau was 32 standard years old. I'm presuming standard years equates to Earth years.
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Up The Long Ladder
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Dead Stop
Comment : Phlox gives his age
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Dear Doctor
Comment : T'Pol said the treatment was 23 years ago
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : In A Mirror, Darkly Part II
Comment : Visible on her onscreen biography
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : In A Mirror, Darkly Part II
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Oasis
Comment : Said to have happened 22 years before the episode
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Shockwave, Part 1
Comment : The colony was said to be 20 years old
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Judgment
Comment : Kolos said he had been working in that court for 20 years
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Expanse
Comment : The incident was said to have happened 20 years ago
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Borderland
Comment : Said to have happened more than 20 years ago - this is 21 years.
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Borderland
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Seventh
Comment : T'Pol describes the events which took place 17 years ago
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Breaking the Ice
Comment : Vanik says he has been captain of the ship for 15 years
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : The Forge
Comment : A caption on the screen said this had happened seventeen years ago.
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fusion
Comment : Admiral Forrest said this had happened 'about ten years ago'.
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fusion
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Babel One
Comment : Shran said this happened 12 years ago
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Babel One
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Unexpected
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : First Flight
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Horizon
Comment : Reed says his last family reunion was almost a decade ago; this is 9 years before the episode
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Breach
Comment : Phlox says he has not spoke to his son in nearly ten years; this is 9 years before the episode
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fusion
Comment : Eight years before the episode
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Detained
Comment : Said to have happened 8 years ago
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Borderland
Comment : Archer said Soong was captured a decade ago
Source : Speculative
Comment : Speculation
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Facets
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Omega Directive
Comment : Seven said this happened 229 years before the episode
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Hatchery
Comment : The Insectoid was said to be almost ten years old; this is 9 years before the episode
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Vox Sola
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 3 - Reap The Whirlwind
Comment : He was 118 years old in 2266
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 3 - Reap The Whirlwind
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fusion
Comment : T'Pol says she lived on Earth for two years before going to Enterprise
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Horizon
Comment : Reed says this happened four years ago
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Stigma
Comment : Phlox says he has not seen his wife in nearly 4 years; this is three years before the episode
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Attached
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Attached
Comment : Crusher states that this is when the world government was formed. It is commonly assumed that Crusher indicated that Australia was the last nation to join, but this is not the case.
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Horizon
Comment : Archer says this happened two and a half years ago
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : First Contact
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fight or Flight
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Terra Nova
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : The Andorian Incident
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Sleeping Dogs
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Cold Front
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Rogue Planet
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fallen Hero
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Two Days and Two Nights
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Minefield
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : A Night In Sickbay
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Awakening
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Precious Cargo
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Catwalk
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Stigma
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Cease Fire
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Shockwave, Part 1
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Future Tense
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Horizon
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Regeneration
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Xindi
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Impulse
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Damage
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Shipment
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Twilight
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : North Star
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Proving Ground
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Harbinger
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Azati Prime
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Countdown
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Council
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Zero Hour
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Storm Front, Part I
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Home
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Storm Front, Part 2
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Cold Station 12
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : The Augments
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : The Forge
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Kir'Shara
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : United
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : The Aenar
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Affliction
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Divergence
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Demons
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Terra Prime
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : These Are The Voyages...
Comment : T'Pol said this had been over for six years
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : These Are The Voyages...
Comment : Shran said this happened five years ago
Novel : Star Trek : Destiny, Book 1 - Gods of Night
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : second edition, page 32
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : These Are The Voyages...
Comment : Shran was said to have died three years ago
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : second edition, page 33
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : These Are The Voyages...
Comment : Shran said they had located him six months ago
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : These Are The Voyages...
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Outcast
Film: Star Trek Beyond
Comment : Somewhat speculative - after the formation of the Federation in 'The early 2160s'
Film: Star Trek Beyond
Source : Speculative
Comment : Scotty states that this happened in 'The Earth 2160s' Could be anything from 2161 to 2163.
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Symbiosis
Comment : Two hundred years ago.
Novel : Star Trek - Rise of the Federation, Book 2 : Tower of Babel
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Journey to Babel
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Q Who
Comment : Q said their dealings were two centuries ago
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Operation: Annihilate!
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Return of the Archons
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Power Play
Source : Speculative
Comment : Hoshi's onscreen biography in "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II" says this happened in her late thirties. She would be 38 at this point.
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : In A Mirror, Darkly Part II
Comment : Stated on her onscreen biography
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : A Piece of the Action
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Masterpiece Society
Novel : Star Trek : Destiny, Book 3 - Lost Souls
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Relics
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : In A Mirror, Darkly Part II
Comment : Date shown on his onscreen biography
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Evolution
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Journey's End
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Accession
Comment : Two hundred years ago.
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Quickening
Comment : Two hundred years ago.
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 38,229 Last updated : 16 May 2020