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Antiproton Beam Borg Shield Drainer Breen Energy Dampener Chroniton torpedoes Contact Weapons CRM-114 Disintegrator Disruptors Druoda warhead Echo Papa 607 Isokinetic cannon Isolytic subspace weapons Isomagnetic disintergrator Lasers Maco Rifle Mines Pain Stick Phase Weapons Phased Polaron Beam Phasers Photon Grenades Photon Torpedoes Plasma Weapons Projectile Weapons Quantum Torpedoes Spatial Torpedo Subspace Warhead Thalaron Generator Tholian Web Transphasic Torpedoes Tricobalt Device Trilithium Torpedoes Xindi Slug Thrower Xindi Weapon Additional Weapons

Actor Biography - Walter Koenig


Series 0 1 2 3
The Original Series 81 7 11 21 11 13 18 2.81
Picard 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 4.00
The Motion Picture 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3.00
The Wrath of Khan 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 5.00
The Search for Spock 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2.00
The Voyage Home 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 4.00
The Final Frontier 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
The Undiscovered Country 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 5.00
Generations 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 4.00
Total 89 8 11 22 12 16 20 2.87


the original series

Title Role Season episode Airdate Stardate Year Rating
The Cage Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 01 1 27 Nov 1988 2713.5 2259 Rating 2
Where No Man Has Gone Before Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 02 2 22 Sep 1966 1312.4 2265 Rating 2
The Corbomite Maneuver Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 03 3 10 Nov 1966 1513.8 2266 Rating 3
Mudd's Women Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 04 4 13 Oct 1966 1329.8 2266 Rating 1
The Enemy Within Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 05 5 6 Oct 1966 1672.1 2266 Rating 2
The Man Trap Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 06 6 8 Sep 1966 1513.1 2266 Rating 2
The Naked Time Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 07 7 29 Sep 1966 1704.2 2266 Rating 2
Charlie X Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 08 8 15 Sep 1966 1533.6 2266 Rating 3
Balance of Terror Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 09 9 15 Dec 1966 1709.2 2266 Rating 5
What Are Little Girls Made Of? Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 10 10 20 Oct 1966 2712.4 2266 Rating 3
Dagger of the Mind Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 11 11 3 Nov 1966 2715.1 2266 Rating 1
Miri Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 12 12 27 Oct 1966 2713.5 2266 Rating 2
The Conscience of the King Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 13 13 8 Dec 1966 2817.6 2266 Rating 4
The Galileo Seven Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 14 14 5 Jan 1967 2821.5 2267 Rating 4
Court Martial Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 15 15 2 Feb 1967 2947.3 2267 Rating 2
The Menagerie, Part 1 Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 16 16 17 Nov 1966 3012.4 2267 Rating 4
The Menagerie, Part 2 Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 17 17 24 Nov 1966 3013.1 2267 Rating 5
Shore Leave Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 18 18 29 Dec 1966 3025.3 2267 Rating 5
The Squire of Gothos Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 19 19 12 Jan 1967 2124.5 2267 Rating 4
Arena Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 20 20 19 Jan 1967 3045.6 2267 Rating 5
The Alternative Factor Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 21 21 30 Mar 1967 3087.6 2267 Rating 0
Tomorrow is Yesterday Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 22 22 26 Jan 1967 3113.2 2267 Rating 4
The Return of the Archons Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 23 23 9 Feb 1967 3156.2 2267 Rating 1
A Taste of Armageddon Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 24 24 23 Feb 1967 3192.1 2267 Rating 4
Space Seed Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 25 25 16 Feb 1967 3141.9 2267 Rating 5
This Side of Paradise Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 26 26 2 Mar 1967 3417.3 2267 Rating 2
The Devil in the Dark Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 27 27 9 Mar 1967 3196.1 2267 Rating 5
Errand of Mercy Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 28 28 23 Mar 1967 3198.4 2267 Rating 5
The City on the Edge of Forever Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 29 29 6 Apr 1967 3134 2267 Rating 5
Operation: Annihilate! Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 30 30 13 Apr 1967 3287.2 2267 Rating 2
Catspaw Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 01 31 27 Oct 1967 3018.2 2267 Rating 0
Metamorphosis Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 02 32 10 Nov 1967 3219.8 2267 Rating 1
Friday's Child Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 03 33 1 Dec 1967 3497.2 2267 Rating 3
Who Mourns for Adonais? Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 04 34 22 Sep 1967 3468.1 2267 Rating 3
Amok Time Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 05 35 15 Sep 1967 3372.7 2267 Rating 5
The Doomsday Machine Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 06 36 20 Oct 1967 Unknown 2267 Rating 5
Wolf in the Fold Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 07 37 22 Dec 1967 3614.9 2267 Rating 4
The Changeling Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 08 38 29 Sep 1967 3541.9 2267 Rating 4
The Apple Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 09 39 13 Oct 1967 3715.3 2267 Rating 1
Mirror, Mirror Mirror Chekov 2 x 10 40 6 Oct 1967 Unknown 2267 Rating 5
Mirror, Mirror Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 10 40 6 Oct 1967 Unknown 2267 Rating 5
The Deadly Years Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 11 41 8 Dec 1967 3478.2 2267 Rating 2
I, Mudd Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 12 42 3 Nov 1967 4513.3 2267 Rating 3
The Trouble With Tribbles Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 13 43 29 Dec 1967 4523.3 2267 Rating 5
Bread and Circuses Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 14 44 15 Mar 1968 4040.7 2267 Rating 2
Journey to Babel Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 15 45 17 Nov 1967 3842.3 2267 Rating 4
A Private Little War Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 16 46 2 Feb 1968 4211.4 2267 Rating 5
The Gamesters of Triskelion Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 17 47 5 Jan 1968 3211.7 2268 Rating 2
Obsession Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 18 48 15 Dec 1967 3619.2 2268 Rating 4
The Immunity Syndrome Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 19 49 19 Jan 1968 4307.1 2268 Rating 2
A Piece of the Action Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 20 50 12 Jan 1968 Unknown 2268 Rating 5
By Any Other Name Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 21 51 23 Feb 1968 4657.5 2268 Rating 5
Return to Tomorrow Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 22 52 9 Feb 1968 4768.3 2268 Rating 2
Patterns of Force Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 23 53 16 Feb 1968 Unknown 2268 Rating 1
The Ultimate Computer Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 24 54 8 Mar 1968 4729.4 2268 Rating 4
The Omega Glory Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 25 55 1 Mar 1968 Unknown 2268 Rating 4
Assignment: Earth Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 26 56 29 Mar 1968 Unknown 2268 Rating 3
Spectre of the Gun Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 01 57 25 Oct 1968 4385.3 2268 Rating 3
Elaan of Troyius Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 02 58 20 Dec 1968 4372.5 2268 Rating 3
The Paradise Syndrome Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 03 59 4 Oct 1968 4842.6 2268 Rating 1
The Enterprise Incident Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 04 60 27 Sep 1968 5027.3 2268 Rating 5
And the Children Shall Lead Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 05 61 11 Oct 1968 5029.5 2268 Rating 1
Spock's Brain Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 06 62 20 Sep 1968 5431.4 2268 Rating 0
Is There in Truth no Beauty? Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 07 63 18 Oct 1968 5630.7 2268 Rating 2
The Empath Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 08 64 6 Dec 1968 5121 2268 Rating 2
The Tholian Web Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 09 65 15 Nov 1968 5693.2 2268 Rating 2
For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 10 66 8 Nov 1968 5476.3 2268 Rating 1
Day of the Dove Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 11 67 1 Nov 1968 Unknown 2268 Rating 4
Plato's Stepchildren Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 12 68 22 Nov 1968 5784 2268 Rating 2
Wink of an Eye Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 13 69 29 Nov 1968 5710.5 2268 Rating 3
That Which Survives Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 14 70 24 Jan 1969 Unknown 2268 Rating 1
Let that be Your Last Battlefield Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 15 71 10 Jan 1969 5730.2 2268 Rating 5
Whom Gods Destroy Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 16 72 3 Jan 1969 5718.3 2268 Rating 1
The Mark of Gideon Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 17 73 17 Jan 1969 5423.4 2268 Rating 0
The Lights of Zetar Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 18 74 31 Jan 1969 5725.3 2269 Rating 0
The Cloud Minders Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 19 75 28 Feb 1969 5818.4 2269 Rating 2
The Way to Eden Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 20 76 21 Feb 1969 5832.3 2269 Rating 0
Requiem for Methuselah Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 21 77 14 Feb 1969 5843.7 2269 Rating 2
The Savage Curtain Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 22 78 7 Mar 1969 5906.4 2269 Rating 0
All Our Yesterdays Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 23 79 14 Mar 1969 5943.7 2269 Rating 2
Turnabout Intruder Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 24 80 21 Mar 1969 5928.9 2269 Rating 3


Title Role Season episode Airdate Stardate Year Rating
The Last Generation (voice) Anton Chekov 3 x 10 30 20 Apr 2023 Unknown 2401 Rating 4


Title Role Season episode Airdate Stardate Year Rating
The Motion Picture Pavel A. Chekov 1 x 00 1 1 Jan 1979 7412.6 2271 Rating 3
The Wrath of Khan Pavel A. Chekov 2 x 00 2 1 Jan 1982 8130.3 2285 Rating 5
The Search for Spock Pavel A. Chekov 3 x 00 3 1 Jan 1984 8210.3 2285 Rating 2
The Voyage Home Pavel A. Chekov 4 x 00 4 1 Jan 1986 8390 2285 Rating 4
The Final Frontier Pavel A. Chekov 5 x 00 5 1 Jan 1989 8454.1 2285 Rating 0
The Undiscovered Country Pavel A. Chekov 6 x 00 6 1 Jan 1991 9521.6 2293 Rating 5
Generations Pavel A. Chekov 7 x 00 7 1 Jan 1994 48650.1 2371 Rating 4

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 39,756 Last updated : 2 Jun 2024