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Armstrong Class

Size Comp
Universe : Kelvin Timeline
Affiliation : Federation
Class Name : Armstrong Class [1]
Dimensions : Length : 475 m [2]


A ship class used by Starfleet in the Kelvin timeline. The class had a circular saucer section with three nacelles beneath and a pod on a roll bar above. At least one of these ships was in the fleet which responded to the crisis on Vulcan in 2258, where it was destroyed by the Narada. [3]

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Speculative
2 Generic official information Taken from the official size chart released for the movie, scaled to a 762 m Enterprise
3 Star Trek XI
Source : Speculative
Series : Season
Episode : Generic official information
Comment : Taken from the official size chart released for the movie, scaled to a 762 m Enterprise
Film: Star Trek XI

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 24,461 Last updated : 30 Jul 2016