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EpisodesCastCrewBest of TrekWorst of Trek
Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Season 5Season 6Season 7
Title Season Episode Airdate Stardate Year Rating
Unimatrix Zero, Part 2 7 x 01 147 4 Oct 2000 54014.4 2377 Rating 2
Imperfection 7 x 02 148 11 Oct 2000 54129.4 2377 Rating 3
Drive 7 x 03 149 18 Oct 2000 54096.6 2377 Rating 2
Repression 7 x 04 150 25 Oct 2000 54167.4 2377 Rating 3
Critical Care 7 x 05 151 1 Nov 2000 Unknown 2377 Rating 4
Inside Man 7 x 06 152 8 Nov 2000 54208.3 2377 Rating 4
Body and Soul 7 x 07 153 15 Nov 2000 54238.3 2377 Rating 4
Nightingale 7 x 08 154 22 Nov 2000 54274.7 2377 Rating 3
Flesh and Blood 7 x 09 155/156 29 Nov 2000 54337.5 2377 Rating 3
Shattered 7 x 10 157 17 Jan 2001 Various 2377 Rating 3
Lineage 7 x 11 158 24 Jan 2001 54452.6 2377 Rating 2
Repentance 7 x 12 159 31 Jan 2001 54474.6 2377 Rating 2
Prophecy 7 x 13 160 7 Feb 2001 54518.2 2377 Rating 3
The Void 7 x 14 161 14 Feb 2001 54553.4 2377 Rating 5
Workforce, Part 1 7 x 15 162 21 Feb 2001 54584.3 2377 Rating 4
Workforce, Part 2 7 x 16 163 28 Feb 2001 54622.4 2377 Rating 4
Human Error 7 x 17 164 7 Mar 2001 Unknown 2377 Rating 2
Q2 7 x 18 165 11 Apr 2001 54704.5 2377 Rating 2
Author, Author 7 x 19 166 18 Apr 2001 54732.3 2377 Rating 3
Friendship One 7 x 20 167 25 Apr 2001 54775.4 2377 Rating 1
Natural Law 7 x 21 168 2 May 2001 54814.5 2377 Rating 1
Homestead 7 x 22 169 9 May 2001 54868.6 2377 Rating 2
Renaissance Man 7 x 23 170 16 May 2001 54890.7 2377 Rating 2
Endgame 7 x 24 171/172 23 May 2001 54973.4 2377 Rating 2

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 230,353 Last updated : 20 Jan 2023