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"As I learn more and more what it is to be human, I am more and more convinced that I would never make a good one. I don't have what it takes. Without my powers I'm frightened of everything. I'm a coward... and I'm miserable... and I can't go on this way."
to Picard
TNG : Deja Q

8 Oct 2024

So, when our year of Movie caption comp pictures are completed, we'll do a year of series photos. After that we'll revert back to Movies again.

1 Oct 2024

We asked "What did you think of "All Those Who Wander", episode 9 of Season 1 of Star Trek Strange New Worlds?" and you voted for "Loved it!" with a winning score of 6 out of 11 votes (54.5%). For our new poll we are asking "What did you think of "A Quality of Mercy", episode 10 of Season 1 of Star Trek Strange New Worlds?"
Caption Comp
Congratulations to "Horta not Vorta" winner of last months caption competition.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 6,681,680 Last updated : 8 Oct 2024