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Gurius III with 65 points
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Joe UK with 140 points
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"Come on, Travis. Let's see if we can find something to eat."
to Mayweather; when T'Pol asks to speak to Menos alone
ENT : The Seventh

25 Jul 2024

Discovery, Season 5
I've added the usual mini reviews for the final episodes of Star Trek Discovery season 5.

15 Jul 2024

Server move
This is the new server...

3 Jul 2024

New Server
Welcome to the new server.

1 Jul 2024

We asked "What did you think of "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach", episode 6 of Season 1 of Star Trek Strange New Worlds?" and you voted for "Loved it!" with a winning score of 7 out of 14 votes (50.0%). For our new poll we are asking "What did you think of "The Serene Squall", episode 7 of Season 1 of Star Trek Strange New Worlds?"
Caption Comp
Congratulations to "Captain 8472" winner of last months caption competition.

27 Jun 2024

Server outage
OK, we're back up and running again. I made a silly mistake when preparing for a server update. It then took almost a day for me to get back in and start things working again.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 6,524,756 Last updated : 25 Jul 2024