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Title :
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
7 Feb 2001
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
7 x 13
Main Cast :
Guest Cast :
Although not necessarily a YATI as such, the Klingon ship is called a D7 cruiser. The D7 is supposed to be the ship seen in TOS, and while it's not impossible that there are different versions of D7 which look different from one another, it would have been better to have given it a different class designation.
Great Moment :
Neelix wishing his Klingon girlfriend goodbye after a heavy night in Tuvok's quarters.
Body Count :
None, although Neelix is half dead by the end.
Factoid :
Sherman Howard also played Syvar in the DS9 episode "Shakaar" and Captain Endar in TNG's "Suddenly Human".


Janeway is amazed when Voyager is attacked by an ancient Klingon battlecruiser. Quickly overpowering the ship, they find that the crew are a warrior sect who fled the Empire a century ago seeking a messiah who would lead them to a new home. When the Klingon commander meets B'Elanna, he decides that her unborn child meets the prophecy - and promptly destroys his own ship so that Janeway will be forced to take the 200 strong crew aboard Voyager. B'Elanna and the Klingon commander try to convince his doubting warriors that her daughter is indeed the chosen one and it is time to settle down at last. However, it eventually falls to Paris to proves the point - in a ritual combat to the death.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 35,515 Last updated : 23 Nov 2014