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Survival Instinct

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Title :
Survival Instinct
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
29 Sep 1999
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
6 x 02
Main Cast :
Guest Cast :
If I understand this correctly, the three ex-drones have implants which connect them. All three sets of implants are shut down, letting them be free of one another's minds but with the side effect that this will kill them after a month or so. The question is, why shut all the implants down? Surely you could leave the implants in one person running, and when the other two die he or she would be free of their thoughts and still alive and healthy? They could have drawn straws or something to see who would get to survive.
Great Moment :
The scene in Janeway's ready room where Tuvok kept telling her there was yet another page to his crime report.
Body Count :
Zero, but probably the three ex-borg after the episode.
Factoid :
Vaughn Armstrong shares with actor Marc Alaimo the distinction of having played the most guest characters on Star Trek. The six characters he has played are a Klingon, two Cardassians, a Romulan, a Vidiian ad a Borg drone in this episode..


When Voyager visits an alien space station Janeway declared the ship open to all visitors, creating a state of happy chaos on board. Unfortunately, three of the visitors take the opportunity to launch an apparent attack on Seven of Nine, they turn out to have motives nobody could have suspected.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 32,941 Last updated : 25 Sep 2005