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Someone to Watch Over Me

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Title :
Someone to Watch Over Me
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
28 Apr 1999
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
5 x 22
Main Cast :
Guest Cast :
Doc tells Seven that he want's a full report of her date in the morning, however, he's going to be there, he plays the piano.
Great Moment :
Seven and the EMH singing "You are my sunshine"
Body Count :
Mr Chapman's arm and ego are badly injured.
Factoid :
Robert Duncan McNeill, who directed this episode also plays Tom Paris.


The EMH earns the eternal gratitude of Voyagers male crewmembers when he decides that it's time he taught Seven the intricacies of Human dating. But as he begins to develop feelings for Seven himself, can he keep the teacher-pupil relationship a purely professional one?
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 34,419 Last updated : 24 Nov 2014