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Title :
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
10 Feb 1999
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
5 x 14
Main Cast :
Guest Cast :
At one point, Seven of Nine claims the 'wormhole' is three hundred million kilometres away. Just a few minutes later she contacts a ship inside the thing and says it's 3.2 light years away!
Great Moment :
When Qatai first comes aboard Voyager, he pinches Naomi to make sure she's real. Then then begins to touch Seven, but wisely decides against it when she gives him a killer look. A nice touch that made me laugh out loud.
Body Count :
Zero, assuming Qatai survives his battle.
Factoid :
W. Morgan Sheppard also played Dr. Ira Graves in the TNG episode "The Schizoid Man".


Voyagers crew is overjoyed to find a wormhole that leads directly to Earth. Is this the end of their journey? Seven thinks something far more sinister is going on.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 33,063 Last updated : 23 Nov 2014