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The Assignment

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Title :
The Assignment
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First Aired :
28 Oct 1996
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Season Ep :
5 x 05
Main Cast :
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The pagh-wraith claims that it can kill Keiko in a moment, and O'Brien is confident that his beam thingie will instantly disable the pagh-wraith. Yet while the beam takes at least ten seconds to disable the wraith, luckily the wraith totally fails to make use of this time.


When Keiko returns from Bajor, O'Brien's delight turns to terror when she casually informs him that she is not in fact his wife but a deadly Pah-Wraith inhabiting her body. By threatening to kill Keiko, the Pah-Wraith forces Miles to carry out a series of tasks that threaten to destroy the whole basis of the Bajoran religion forever.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 41,069 Last updated : 9 Oct 2003