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Destiny Book 2 : Mere Mortals

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Destiny Book 2 : Mere Mortals
Title : Destiny Book 2 : Mere Mortals Destiny Book 2 : Mere Mortals
Writers : David Mack
Published : 2008
Publisher : Pocket Books
ISBN : 1416551727
Rating : 4
Editions :


The Borg are rampaging throughout the Alpha Quadrant, with death and destruction on a massive scale. As the Federation President battles to gather an alliance against the Borg, Ezri Dax and Captain Picard work to solve the mystery of the subspace tunnels which are providing the Borg cubes with an access route into our space. Meanwhile Captain Riker and the USS Titan make contact with the mysterious and supremely powerful species known as the Caeliar - and find themselves prisoners, along with none other than Captain Hernandez. The ongoing story of Destiny ramps up the stakes. The scene is set for an epic battle between the Borg and the allied powers of the Alpha Quadrant… except that when it does come, the Borg arrive with literally thousands of Cubes and annhilate the entire allied fleet in short order. With little left to stop them the Borg fleet begins obliterating hundreds of planets across all of known space, and it seems that nothing can possibly stop them…
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 66,477 Last updated : 12 Jan 2014