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SlipperyStream47 Scotty: "In case you're wonderin', that ain't a phaser I got in my pocket. I'm just happy to see ye."
Uhura: "I have a phaser in MY pocket. Do I really need to use it?"
SlipperyStream47 Scotty: "Uhura, you're the warp core that warms me body; you're the stars that draw me eyes and light me day; you're the phaser that sears me heart--"
Uhura: "And I'm the woman putting your drunk ass to bed. Now let's get a move on, Scotty."
SlipperyStream47 Scotty: "So what do ye think of me, Uhura?"
Uhura: "Not much. Now, let's get you to bed."
SlipperyStream47 Scotty: "So what do ye think of me, Uhura?"
Uhura: "Alright, that's enough whiskey for you."
SlipperyStream47 Star Trek: When Scotty Met Uhura
SlipperyStream47 Star Trek: Romeo and Juliet
Chromedome "Is that a tool in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?"
"Ummm. Which pocket?"
N'tran DS 12 "Kiss me, you fool."
Captain 8472 “Mr. Scott, let me give you a piece of advice. You should not love the ship you work on more than the person you are romantically involved with. Our captain is the prime example of that.”
Frankie Chestnuts Uhura: “Yes Mr. Scott… I HAVE seen a grown man naked, I DO NOT like gladiator movies and I have NEVER been in a Turkish prison… And DON’T CALL ME SHIRLEY!!”
Chromedome The Starfleet entry to the Eurovision Song Contest ... nul points.
Chromedome "Och, lassie, let's you an' me go grey disgracefully!"
The Geek Uhura is busy. The crewman is monitoring.
Captain 8472 Uhura: Scotty, can you help me with my translation equipment?
Scotty: First, ya need to exercise your tongue.
Captain 8472 Scotty: Uhura, you know this could make Spock jealous.
Uhura: That is the point.
Frankie Chestnuts Uhura: "Oh, Mr. Scott... You're so cute when you're drunk."
Scotty: "Aye Lassie... but only when I'm OFF duty... I’m an ugly drunk when I’m ON duty.”
Frankie Chestnuts Uhura: “Mr. Scott… If you mention getting your hands on my ‘ample nacelles’ just one more time, you’ll be removing my foot from your cargo bay.”
Captain 8472 “Lassie, think you chipped a tooth.”
Chromedome "Beam me up, Scotty!"
Chromedome "We've got to stop meeting like this. People will talk."
Chromedome "Och, sexual harrassment at work! Why did I nae get any o' this in the orginal series?"
MR. WORF Uhura : Mr. Scott , I believe I have another engineer in the oven.
MR. WORF Uhura : Scotty !!!! My god man, you sent me into warp drive last night !!!! Thank You !!
Frankie Chestnuts Uhura: "Mr. Scott, open your mouth, stick out your tongue and say 'AAAAAHHH'."
Scotty: "Aye, lassie... but I'd step back a wee bit if I was you."
Frankie Chestnuts Uhura: "Oh, Mr. Scott... You're so cute when you're drunk."
Scotty: "Aye... but only when I'm off duty."
Frankie Chestnuts Uhura: "Oh, Mr. Scott... You're so cute when you're drunk."
Scotty: "Aye, I am."
Frankie Chestnuts Uhura: "Ye cannae change the laws of attraction."
Scotty: "That's MY line, Lassie... and yes, we CAN change them."
Captain 8472 “Mr. Scott, I appreciate the attempt, but you are not Kirk and we are not being mind controlled.”

Entries : 28People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 387 Release date : 30 Nov -0001