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Timeline - 2155


Prime Timeline

Year Event
Picture from 2155  [1] John Frederick Paxton comandeers the Verteron array on Mars and attempts to use it to blackmail Earth into severing all relations with alien species. [1] The attempt fails when Captain Archer infiltrates Paxton's ship. [2]
  People :  John Frederick Paxton
  Species :  Humans
 [3] Trip and T'Pol end their romantic involvement. [3]
  People :  Charles Tucker III, T'Pol
 [4] The Vanguard asteroid colony encounts an area of interphasic space and is catapulted some 210,000 light years through space, into the Small Magellanic Cloud. [4]
  Species :  Humans, Neyel

Mirror Universe

Year Event
Picture from 2155  [5] The Tholians discover the USS Defiant after it passes through an interphase rift from our universe. Archer later steals the ship. The NX-01 is destroyed. [5]
 [6] Hoshi Sato becomes Empress of the Terran Empire. [6]

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 ENT 4 Demons
2 ENT 4 Terra Prime
3 ENT 4 These Are The Voyages... T'Pol said this had been over for six years
4 The Sundered
5 ENT 4 In A Mirror, Darkly
6 ENT 4 In A Mirror, Darkly Part II
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Demons
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Terra Prime
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : These Are The Voyages...
Comment : T'Pol said this had been over for six years
Novel : The Sundered
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : In A Mirror, Darkly
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : In A Mirror, Darkly Part II

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 25,733 Last updated : 25 Jan 2015