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The Next Generation

EpisodesCastCrewBest of TrekWorst of Trek
Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Season 5Season 6Season 7
Title Season Episode Airdate Stardate Year Rating
Time's Arrow, Part 2 6 x 01 126 21 Sep 1992 46001.3 2369 Rating 3
Realm of Fear 6 x 02 127 28 Sep 1992 46041.1 2369 Rating 2
Man of the People 6 x 03 128 5 Oct 1992 46071.6 2369 Rating 0
Relics 6 x 04 129 12 Oct 1992 46125.3 2369 Rating 5
Schisms 6 x 05 130 19 Oct 1992 46154.2 2369 Rating 4
True-Q 6 x 06 131 26 Oct 1992 46192.3 2369 Rating 4
Rascals 6 x 07 132 2 Nov 1992 46235.7 2369 Rating 0
A Fistful of Datas 6 x 08 133 9 Nov 1992 46271.5 2369 Rating 2
The Quality of Life 6 x 09 134 16 Nov 1992 46307.2 2369 Rating 4
Chain of Command, Part 1 6 x 10 135 14 Dec 1992 46357.4 2369 Rating 4
Chain of Command, Part 2 6 x 11 136 21 Dec 1992 46360.8 2369 Rating 5
Ship in a Bottle 6 x 12 137 25 Jan 1993 46424.1 2369 Rating 4
Aquiel 6 x 13 138 1 Feb 1993 46461.3 2369 Rating 1
Face of the Enemy 6 x 14 139 8 Feb 1993 46519.1 2369 Rating 3
Tapestry 6 x 15 140 15 Feb 1993 Unknown 2369 Rating 5
Birthright, Part 1 6 x 16 141 22 Feb 1993 46578.4 2369 Rating 1
Birthright, Part 2 6 x 17 142 1 Mar 1993 46579.2 2369 Rating 1
Starship Mine 6 x 18 143 29 Mar 1993 46682.4 2369 Rating 4
Lessons 6 x 19 144 5 Apr 1993 46693.1 2369 Rating 3
The Chase 6 x 20 145 26 Apr 1993 46731.5 2369 Rating 4
Frame of Mind 6 x 21 146 3 May 1993 46778.1 2369 Rating 4
Suspicions 6 x 22 147 10 May 1993 46830.1 2369 Rating 3
Rightful Heir 6 x 23 148 17 May 1993 46852.2 2369 Rating 3
Second Chances 6 x 24 149 24 May 1993 46915.2 2369 Rating 4
Timescape 6 x 25 150 14 Jun 1993 46944.2 2369 Rating 2
Descent, Part 1 6 x 26 151 21 Jun 1993 46982.1 2369 Rating 2

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 253,275 Last updated : 23 Aug 2021