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Deep Space Nine

EpisodesCastCrewBest of TrekWorst of Trek
Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Season 5Season 6Season 7
Title Season Episode Airdate Stardate Year Rating
Apocalypse Rising 5 x 01 98 30 Sep 1996 Unknown 2373 Rating 3
The Ship 5 x 02 99 7 Oct 1996 50049.3 2373 Rating 5
Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places 5 x 03 100 14 Oct 1996 Unknown 2373 Rating 2
...Nor the Battle to the Strong 5 x 04 101 21 Oct 1996 Unknown 2373 Rating 1
The Assignment 5 x 05 102 28 Oct 1996 Unknown 2373 Rating 3
Trials and Tribble-ations 5 x 06 103 4 Nov 1996 4523.7 2373 Rating 5
Let He Who Is Without Sin... 5 x 07 104 11 Nov 1996 Unknown 2373 Rating 1
Things Past 5 x 08 105 18 Nov 1996 Unknown 2373 Rating 1
The Ascent 5 x 09 106 25 Nov 1996 Unknown 2373 Rating 4
Rapture 5 x 10 107 30 Dec 1996 Unknown 2373 Rating 0
The Darkness and the Light 5 x 11 108 6 Jan 1997 50416.2 2373 Rating 2
The Begotten 5 x 12 109 27 Jan 1997 Unknown 2373 Rating 3
For the Uniform 5 x 13 110 3 Feb 1997 50485.2 2373 Rating 5
In Purgatory's Shadow 5 x 14 111 10 Feb 1997 Unknown 2373 Rating 2
By Inferno's Light 5 x 15 112 17 Feb 1997 50564.2 2373 Rating 5
Doctor Bashir, I Presume? 5 x 16 113 24 Feb 1997 Unknown 2373 Rating 1
A Simple Investigation 5 x 17 114 31 Mar 1997 Unknown 2373 Rating 1
Business as Usual 5 x 18 115 7 Apr 1997 Unknown 2373 Rating 2
Ties of Blood and Water 5 x 19 116 14 Apr 1997 50712.5 2373 Rating 2
Ferengi Love Songs 5 x 20 117 21 Apr 1997 Unknown 2373 Rating 2
Soldiers of the Empire 5 x 21 118 28 Apr 1997 Unknown 2373 Rating 4
Children of Time 5 x 22 119 5 May 1997 50814.2 2373 Rating 4
Blaze of Glory 5 x 23 120 12 May 1997 Unknown 2373 Rating 3
Empok Nor 5 x 24 121 19 May 1997 Unknown 2373 Rating 3
In the Cards 5 x 25 122 9 Jun 1997 Unknown 2373 Rating 4
Call to Arms 5 x 26 123 16 Jun 1997 Unknown 2373 Rating 5

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 265,641 Last updated : 24 May 2017