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Re: Marvel Studios' Avengers - Official Trailer

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:04 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Graham Kennedy wrote:Went on Saturday with Ian. I arrived 30 minutes before the screening and found for the first time ever that that the car park at the cinema we use was full. And I mean FULL. Every single space was taken. People were parked everywhere a car would fit. At the end of rows. On the grass edges. On the pedestrian area around the building. If it could have a car on it, it had a car on it. And twenty or thirty cars were driving around, waiting for people to leave like sharks waiting for a seal to jump off the ice floe.

Ian had gotten a place because he arrived almost an hour before the screening. I was still driving around when the screening started. In the end I left, drove down the road, and parked in a McDonalds. I had no idea if I'd come back to a ticket, a clamp on my wheel, or what. But sod it, I wanted in!

Got into the theatre towards the end of the ads, which worked out well. Place was pretty packed.

Spoilers follow...
I loved the film. Could have done with some more Captain Marvel action, would have liked to see her thrashing everyone. But hey, it's not really her story and I guess having heavy hitters around does tend to remove the threat, so I can see why that didn't happen.

Was a bit weird to see Bannerhulk after Hulk spent the last movie scared to come out at all. No resolution to that point, it just seems like they ditched it.

Loved Fat Thor.

Especially loved how they didn't "undo" the snap as such. I'd heard there was time travel, and I fully expected that they would do a Star Trek style reset where the snap never happened. As it worked out they've saved everyone, but the snap is still an extremely impactful event. Actually I have a theory that in the five years, the infrastructure to feed, clothe, house and generally keep everyone alive has wilted away by 50%. That stuff can't be rebuilt quickly, so it's entirely possible that most of the returned people will starve to death!
All in all, a great movie. I liked it as much as the first, maybe more.
From what I've read, the scenes with Larson as Captain Marvel in Endgame were actually filmed before her movie was finished. So they weren't entirely sure how to use her.