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Re: DITL Battle #4 JudgeKing vs Reliant

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:49 am
by Lt. Staplic
Turn 7 - Tac

Captain Reliant is eager to try and finish the battle, he immediately turns to the tactical officer and demands the enemy torpedo tubes destroyed. The officer responds a bit too hastily, sending the opening phasers wide of the ship. He next launches a salvo of photon torpedoes from the three remaining tubes, and watches in horror as all but three fly wide. None of them hitting their targets. Two hit the forward saucer dealing 160,000 TJ damage and knocking it down to 446,150, and destroying the phaser array section located there. the last torpedo hits Forward engineering, knocking it down to 526,150 TJ. Finally launching off the two subspace torpedoes, Captain Reliant turns to face the tactical officer after the first misses and shoots the man, missing the second torpedo slam into the forward saucer knocking it down further to 326,150 TJ.

JudgeKing holds off for a few seconds hoping his quantum torpedo's would be available again, however he is forced to act when the Son'a torpedoes strike his ship. Ordering the functioning weapons to fire, the phasers kick to life releasing their power just before part of the forward array was shredded. The phasers strike, hitting the forward section knocking it down to a mere 194,615TJ integrity, and simultaneously destroying the sections phaser array and another forward facing torpedo tube. the photon torpedoes are next, and Reliant lucks out as four of the torpedoes go wide. the next four however are on the mark. the first one slams into the dorsal shields, the next three however slip through the whole and hit the forward section of the ship. They destroy what ever was left of the forward section and some damage bleeds through to the central disk, knocking it down to 141,000 TJ and causing the warp core to go critical, the Son'a engineer however is able to eject the core before it destroys the ship.

Damage Report
Forward and Aft Shields gone
Total shield capacity at 1,762,666TJ each section can take 440,667TJ
Aft Engineering Destroyed
Forward Saucer down to 326,150 TJ Structural Integrity
Forward Section Phaser's destroyed (Can still shoot phaser's forward, however the extreme angle will reduce phaser bonus to +1)
Forward Engineering down to 526,150 TJ Structural Integrity
Central Engineering down to 691,000 TJ Structural Integrity
Port Nacelle down to 522,150 TJ Structural integrity.

Forward Shields Gone
total shield capacity down to 1,718,333TJ, Each section can take 343,667 TJ
Forward Section destroyed
2 Photon Torpedo Tubes destroyed, Sections phaser arrays destroyed
Central disk down to 141,000TJ
Forward Phaser arrays in central disk destroyed
Warp Core ejected No longer able to jump to warp (-1 to all conn roles.)

Conn orders please,gentlemen

Re: DITL Battle #4 JudgeKing vs Reliant

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:28 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Turn 8 - Conn

JudgeKing orders the ship to back away, and to turn about presenting the still shielded Port side to the Son'a ship. The Helmsman complies easily as the Son'a ship gives no persuit.

Seemingly thinking of the same mind, Captain Reliant also orders the ship about starboard presenting the shielded Port side to the Sovereign.

Status Report
The two ships are approximately 300,000km apart with their respective port sides facing each other.

Tac orders please.

Re: DITL Battle #4 JudgeKing vs Reliant

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:27 am
by Lt. Staplic
Turn 8 - Tac

Reliant turns to the new tactical officer, still holding his pistol, and orders the available weapons to fire at the Sovereign's Port shields. The Phasers slam into the shields, which hold on through the barrage. The impact however caused minor damage to the Port Nacelle.

JudgeKing is also out for blood and orders the phasers fired at the Son'a ship. They land, threatening to buckle the shields, however the shields just manage to hold, letting the Son'a captain breath a sigh of relief.

Damage Report
Forward and Aft Shields gone
Total shield capacity at 1,537,666TJ each section can take 384,417TJ
Aft Engineering Destroyed
Forward Saucer down to 326,150 TJ Structural Integrity
Forward Section Phaser's destroyed (Can still shoot phaser's forward, however the extreme angle will reduce phaser bonus to +1)
Forward Engineering down to 526,150 TJ Structural Integrity
Central Engineering down to 691,000 TJ Structural Integrity
Port Nacelle down to 522,000 TJ Structural integrity. (-1 to conn rolls next 1 turn)

Forward Shields Gone
total shield capacity down to 1,463,333TJ, Each section can take 292,667 TJ
Forward Section destroyed
2 Photon Torpedo Tubes destroyed, Sections phaser arrays destroyed
Central disk down to 141,000TJ
Forward Phaser arrays in central disk destroyed
Warp Core ejected No longer able to jump to warp (-1 to all conn roles.)

Conn orders.

Re: DITL Battle #4 JudgeKing vs Reliant

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:56 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Turn 9 Conn

Breathing a sigh of relief from their lighter exchange that round, Captain Reliant feels the pressure from the power supplies, and gives everything he has to the engines, quickly closing the distance between him and his enemy.

Captain JudgeKing on the other side, sees what his opponent is doing and orders the helmsman to go up , above the Son'a ship. The helmsman seeming to forget the correct command prompts only just gets the ship up in time.

Status Report

Sovereign Ship is just above the Son'a ship with it's forward/ventral sections facing the Son'a's forward, dorsal sections. The two ships are approximately 10,000 km apart.

Tac orders please.

Re: DITL Battle #4 JudgeKing vs Reliant

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:50 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Turn 9 - Tac

Captain Reliant looks at his opponents move and begins laying his trap, he turns to the tac officer and orders all weapons fired, targeting the engines. The Phasers fire first, slamming into the ventral shields which hold, barely. However bleed thorough from the hit creates a fire just outside Main Engineering. The Photon's are the next to fly, fate it appears wasn't on the Son'a's side as all but two torpedoes slip wide of the ship. The first torpedo hits the shields, leaving a feeble grid there. The second finds its way through a whole and hits the engines directly and forcing the engines to shut down. Finally the two subspace weapons are launched, the first tries to find the same hole however misses the ship all together. the second slams into the feeble ventral shields, overloading the generators, and dealing damage to Central Engineering.

Captain JudgeKing is also appreciative of the time line, and isn't overly aggressive, choosing to fire only phasers at the Son'a ship. The phasers strike the dorsal shields, which hold by the smallest of fractions.

Damage Report
Forward, Aft, and Ventral Shields gone
Total shield capacity at 1,153,249TJ each section can take 384,417 TJ
Aft Engineering Destroyed
Forward Saucer down to 326,150 TJ Structural Integrity
Forward Section Phaser's destroyed (Can still shoot phaser's forward, however the extreme angle will reduce phaser bonus to +1)
Forward Engineering down to 526,150 TJ Structural Integrity
Central Engineering down to 570,417 TJ Structural Integrity
Main Impulse Engines down for one (1) turn.
Fire raging just outside Main Engineering
Port Nacelle down to 522,000 TJ Structural integrity.

Forward Shields Gone
total shield capacity down to 1,463,333TJ, Each section can take 241,667 TJ
Forward Section destroyed
2 Photon Torpedo Tubes destroyed, Sections phaser arrays destroyed
Central disk down to 141,000TJ
Forward Phaser arrays in central disk destroyed
Warp Core ejected No longer able to jump to warp (-1 to all conn roles.)

Conn orders Please.

Re: DITL Battle #4 JudgeKing vs Reliant

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:03 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Turn 10 - End Game

Unable to move JudgeKing orders the fires in Engineering be taken care of. Apparently forced to fear of their future careers by the captains voice the damage crews smother the fire completely killing it.

Captain Reliant looks around the Bridge one more time, then turns to the helmsman and utters two words. "Ram Them" the ship accelerates aiming itself right at the center of the Sovereign's mass and connects.

The ship hits right above the deflector dish of the Sovereign Class ship. The Primary explosions cut the ship in half, as Forward Engineering and the Aft Saucer receive the brunt of the force, destroying both sections immediately. The shock waves carry through causing the Central Engineering section to go, the warp core exploding adding additional damage to the two ships, and the Sovereigns Nacelles disappear in the flash. The damage from the ram continues outward, destroying the Starboard and Port saucer sections just seconds before the Central Saucer is destroyed, Killing Captain JudgeKing. Finally the severely damaged Forward Saucer explodes unable to handle the stresses. Thus destroying the Sovereign Class ship.

The Son'a ship doesn't get off free though. In similar fashion to the Sovereign the Son'a ship is cut in half when the Central disk section, already fragile from battle explodes under the pressure. Continuing through the Forward and Aft Tower sheer against the Sovereign's Saucer sections, causing them to explode shortly before the Saucer, killing the entire Bridge Crew including Captain Reliant. The outer wings of the Son'a ship look like they might survive, avoiding the brunt of the impact, the structural integrity looks to hold barely as they move past the bulk of the wreckage. However they are consumed in the bright flash of the Sovereigns Warp Core.


The area of space which has played host to this battle is now littered with small fragments of these two once majestic ships. The largest piece of debris is an old coffee pot, with a crack running down the side of it's supposedly unbreakable wall. The destructive power of the ram made sure no one survived the attack. The ships will disappear from history, unable to be recognized now even if someone did come along. It shall be an eternal mystery to both Starfleet and the Son'a of what happened when their best warships went toe-to-toe.

Since I can't use mod green like rochey, I'll improvise:
This thread is now open to comments. Feel free to post.

Re: DITL Battle #4 JudgeKing vs Reliant

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:14 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Well done. :D

Re: DITL Battle #4 JudgeKing vs Reliant

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:25 pm
by Sonic Glitch
Curiously the only thing that went through the mind of the coffeepot, as it floated, was, 'Oh no, not again.' Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly *why* the coffee pot had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now.

Re: DITL Battle #4 JudgeKing vs Reliant

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:27 pm
by Lt. Staplic
I figured I'd do a Lil homage to the first battle, and their surviving coffee pot.

Re: DITL Battle #4 JudgeKing vs Reliant

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:33 pm
by Tsukiyumi
me,myself and I wrote:Curiously the only thing that went through the mind of the coffeepot, as it floated, was, 'Oh no, not again.' Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly *why* the coffee pot had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now.

Re: DITL Battle #4 JudgeKing vs Reliant

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:45 am
by Mark
So far, I am the only Captain that DIDN'T ram the enemy. Hmmmmmmm

Re: DITL Battle #4 JudgeKing vs Reliant

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:48 am
by Lt. Staplic
Mark wrote:So far, I am the only Captain that DIDN'T ram the enemy. Hmmmmmmm
on the contrary, neither Tsuki, nor JudgeKing rammed the fact I'm the only SF captain to ram.

Re: DITL Battle #4 JudgeKing vs Reliant

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:46 am
by Mark
Lt. Staplic wrote:
Mark wrote:So far, I am the only Captain that DIDN'T ram the enemy. Hmmmmmmm
on the contrary, neither Tsuki, nor JudgeKing rammed the fact I'm the only SF captain to ram.

I should rephrase........I'm the only one who admited defeat and saved his crew as well as the unnessessary loss of life of my enemy. Everybody else took the "winner" with him.

At the moment, only Stitch and Rochey have been clear winners of our games.

Re: DITL Battle #4 JudgeKing vs Reliant

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:42 am
by Lt. Staplic
ah I see what you mean, but then again, you were also the only one that had it make sence with the scenario.

with mine I was tracking down a pirate and had to stop him at all costs, and i did....Reliant was out for revenge, which he got.

Re: DITL Battle #4 JudgeKing vs Reliant

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 8:09 am
by Reliant121
Mark wrote:
Lt. Staplic wrote:
Mark wrote:So far, I am the only Captain that DIDN'T ram the enemy. Hmmmmmmm
on the contrary, neither Tsuki, nor JudgeKing rammed the fact I'm the only SF captain to ram.

I should rephrase........I'm the only one who admited defeat and saved his crew as well as the unnessessary loss of life of my enemy. Everybody else took the "winner" with him.

At the moment, only Stitch and Rochey have been clear winners of our games.
stuff humility, if I I'm to die the f*cker is dying with me!