Quarks Bar

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Re: Quarks Bar

Post by Mikey »

"Mr. Hewer," said Mikey through gritted teeth after they had regrouped, "are you ready to take advantage of an opportunity?"

"'You bet I am," answered the XO.

"Good. Gather whoever we have left and take positions to fire on that clearing. Set up Ge'haan and Nijhoff opposite you. Watch me; I'm going to create that opportunity for you." Mikey stood up and strode into the clearing, hollering, "Alright, hold on a minute. This is hardly a useful exercise anymore if we're going to start messing with the background program." He laid down his paintgun and continued, "Can we discuss what's going on here?"

Fletcher, Teaos, and Mark came out of their cover hesitantly as Mikey stood with his arms raised. "Where's Commander Rochey?" he asked simply.

Glancing quickly at Mark and then back at Mikey, Teaos said, "He got sick of our pointless humanoid game."

"Very well. Can we talk about this exercise?" Mikey lowered his arms, and the Daystrom crew leapt up and inundated the three officers from the Paladin with paintballs. Suddenly, Mikey's antennae picked up an all-too-familiar vibration. Reacting just slightly too late, he turned to catch a paintball square in the chest and looked up to see a suited, six-legged figure shouldering a paintgun and emitting a curious grinding chuckle.

"A draw at best, I'd say," said Rochey.
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Re: Quarks Bar

Post by Teaos »

"Huh " Teaos said looking down his top at his chest.

"What?" Mark said while holding the side of his chest that had absorbed the majority of the paintball impacts.

"Looks like a smiley face" Teaos said sounding amused as he collapsed into one of the booths in the bar.

"You cheat" Mikey said sitting across from them as the rest of their team members took seats around the bar.

"Yeah, I do" Teaos said sounding unperturbed.

"What's this I hear about a naked Dabo girl running around the holodeck?" Hewer asked as he set down two big jugs of beer.

"That wasn't me" Teaos said seeing the doubtful looks on the others faces "It was Mark!" Teaos exclaimed.

Seeing the other look at him Mark just shrugged "Would of you preferred more ferrets?"

"I can't believe you guys are the senior officers of the most advanced ship in the fleet" Hewer said sipping his beer.

"Your just jealous" Teaos retorted snootily rubbing the welts on chest.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Quarks Bar

Post by Mark »

"Oh no, not again." Quark moaned

The officers of what shall henceforth be known as the great paintwar of 2390 looked over to see what was bothering the little Ferengi. About a dozen Klingons from another task force ship staggered in, clearly already drunk. With an insulting laugh they pointed at and laughed at the officers covered in paint.

Mikey start scowling, "You'd think that they'd know better that to let that many drunken Klingons wander around the station."

Another of the Klingons began boasting loudly in his own language making what where clearly insulting gestures.

"Hey, does anyone here speak Klingon?" Teaos asked with an expression of irritation on his face.

"I do, sir." Master Chief McDuff replied, as he and Lieutenant Cix walked over to the table, each sporting their own paint spotches on their torsos, legs, and arms. "He said something.... less than flattering about you, sir" he said, looking at Mikey.

"What'd he say?" Mikey asked

"Are you really sure you want to know?" McDuff asked cautiously.

"Master Chief, I'm a senior officer, and not prone to fits of temper just because some drunken Klingon insulted me. I would, however, like to know what he said."

With a rueful smile, McDuff said "Very well. He was suggesting that perhaps, Andorians would be quite, entertaining, to the rest of us with your antenna, sir. He then indicated that perhaps Mr. Teaos and Mr. Mark enjoyed your "attentions", uh, internaly. If you catch my drift, sir?"

As Mikey began to turn various shades of purple and Teaos began to clench his fist, Rochey began to laugh, then said, "You have to admit that Klingons DO have a sense of humor."

After hearing Rochey speak, a third Klingon barked out something unintellageable and the entire group began to look at the Starfleet officers and laugh.

"I didn't catch that Master Chief," Rochey said "what was that?"

"Well, sir, it seems that your species remind him of a Klingon delicacy which also doubles as a laxitave." McDuff answered with a delicate cough.

"I see" Rochey said with a voice speaking elaquently of death.

The entire group of Klingons came over to the Starfleet table, leering down at the officers. One, drunker than the rest, decided it would be fun to empty the contents of him mug over Mr. Hewer's head. The Klingons laughed, as all of the Starfleet personel jumped to their feet.

Captain Fletcher looked at the Klingons, and glanced over at Mikey "Do you see any way to avoid this?"

"Not at this point, Captain" Mikey replied.

With a sigh, Flethcer looked back at the Klingons. "Who is the senior officer here, may I ask? he respectfully asked the Klingon standing closest to him.

"I am!" the Klingon boasted.

"Thank you for clearing that up for me" Fletcher said, as he let loose a powerful overhand right into the Klingons nose.

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Re: Quarks Bar

Post by Tsukiyumi »

The program was just beginning when Devi heard the whoosh of the holosuite doors opening behind her. She hastily covered herself as she spun toward the just-vanishing archway. Lieutenant Uzume was glancing about, observing the austere surroundings; the program was set on Vulcan, and the dusty temple hardly seemed like a romantic setting. Of course, Devi wasn't here for "romance" anyway.

" How the hell did you get in here? Where's Lorcan?" Devi stammered, still covering herself with her hands. Uzume meandered over, locking eyes with Devi as she approached.

" He's not my type, and he was interested in activities more 'familiar' than I was comfortable with." Devi shrugged at that; Lorcan could be rather persistent, and it often paid off. " I sent him back to his quarters with his 'tail between his legs', so to speak." She continued, moving ever closer; Devi took a step back.

" What are you doing here?" She asked breathlessly; Uzume was quite beautiful, and as she began to strip off her uniform, Devi figured she had her answer.

" When I got back to the bar, you were just heading up here. I bribed the Ferengi to let me know which holosuite you were in, and then I hacked the interface." As she finished the sentence, the last of her uniform dropped to the smooth stone floor, and she was as bare as Devi. She closed the remaining distance, and stroked Devi's face gently. Her hands dropped to her sides as Uzume moved in for a brief, but intensely passionate kiss.

" I suppose I could use some company." Devi whispered, a sly smile appearing on her lips.

" I hoped you would say something like that." Uzume returned the smile as she slid her hands around Devi's waist, " Computer, add another 'love slave' to the program. And reinstate the locking protocol, please."

She kissed the nape of Devi's neck, " I also paid the Ferengi for another hour in here; I hope you don't mind "

Devi smiled again, " Very wise, Lieutenant. Are you sure you're not a Vulcan?"

Uzume grinned, brushing a long brown lock of hair from her exotically beautiful face, " I'll try not to be insulted by that."

The two Vulcan holograms knelt obediently nearby, as the two living beings in the room began to express their admiration and attraction for each other in a more physical manner
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939
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Re: Quarks Bar

Post by Teaos »

*In the main bar*

Teaos had dived over the back of the booth they were in and slid down to the floor, taking cover under one of the tables he looked at another crewmen who was sheltering under the same table.

"Scientist?" Teaos asked over the sound of the bar fight.

"Biology major" The crewman replied as several sets of feet ran by their table.

"You got here quick" Teaos idily mentioned picking at some substance stuck to the leg of the table.

"There was a bar near my college I used to go to quite a bit, every so often it would errupt into a bar fight when the Vulcans and Andorians got together... I got good at hiding" He explained.

A sound similar to a Lions raw sounded over the noise of the fight causing the fighting noise to die down briefly before starting again with renewed vigor.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Quarks Bar

Post by Mikey »

Mikey stood; his middling height and slender frame didn't seem to impress the Klingon who had first addressed him. "You have something to say, blueskin?" laughed the Klingon.

"Your mother wears combat boots," said Mikey quietly.

"Indeed!" shouted the Klingon. "She is a valiant woman!"

"I know she does," continued Mikey, "because she left them under my bed." The Klingon roared and threw a wild right hook, which his bulk and strength easily telegraphed to the Andorian. Mikey countered with a right uppercut which surprised the brute, who was expecting a weaker opponent. "I guess you were right about me," Mikey said as he set his feet in a fighting stance, "because now I'm going to make you my bitch."

The Klingon - named Karpas, judging by the shouts of his comrades - growled ferally and charged. Mikey dropped to his knees, levered Karpas up using his shoulder as a fulcrum, and rolled the Klingon over onto its back with a classic double-A takedown. Holding on to Karpas' legs, Mikey stood and pivoted to plant his heel on the Klingon's windpipe. "Now, who are you?" Mikey demanded.

"Karpas," the Klingon gurgled around the boot on his larynx, "helmsman and second officer of the IKS Karam, scion of the proud house of Pas'kh."

"Well, Karpas son of Pas'kh," Mikey asked gravely, "do you wish to die here in this bar over a stupid comment?"

"I have no fear of death in fair combat," Karpas said thoughtfully, "but I would rather die in the service of the Empire."

"Spoken like a wise and honorable man," said Mikey. "And?"

"And... surely you know I was merely joking before."

"Fair enough," Mikey said, and then released Karpas' throat and helped haul him to his feet. As a young Klingon standing by the bar started to snicker, Mikey spoke up. "You there! What's funny? Karpas met no dishonor here. These hands have killed Klingon warriors, Nausicaan mercenaries, and Jem'Hadar elders. His only failure was underestimating me. Now fetch us a pitcher of blood wine, boy, before I kill you with your own d'k'tahg."

The adolescent deposited a jug and two tumblers on the table where Karpas and Mikey sat and hurried away. "I am Captain M'karn W'trisk, of Clan W'trisk, commander of the USS Daystrom, by the way."

Karpas gripped Mikey's extended hand. "Thank you for what you've done, Captain W'trisk. I may continue to serve with honor. For what it's worth, I will be proud to call such a stalwart warrior and wise man as yourself my friend."

"Thank you for that, Karpas son of Pas'kh. I have a feeling that we're all going to need as many friends as we can get."
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Re: Quarks Bar

Post by Mark »

Cix's head spikes rose in anticipation as the howling Klingon swung with a haymaker punch, and took the blow square on the cheek without so much as a stagger. His eyes glowed an even more fierce red and a gave the starteled Klingon a reptilian smile, before bodily picking him up and body slamming him across the top of a table, smashing the glasses and crumpling the table itself. He shouted up to the rafters, "NOW THIS IS RELAXING!!!!"

Mark had already droped one Klingon, who he caught unaware with a neck pinch. He was now frantically blocking rapid fire blows from another who was in a berserker rage. His swelling cheek and blackening eye showing that more than one punch had managed to break threw the security officers defenses. Mark realised that this warrior was a powerful brawler, and if he couldn't finish this soon, he was going to end up in sickbay. Mark allowed himself to be backed up to the bar. The Klingon, sensing victory went to grab Mark in a vicious bear hug, intending to break the young lieutenant in half. Mark was waiting for that move, however. When the Klingon went to grab him, Mark allowed himself to fall to the ground in a split, punched upward into the Klingon's genitals. With a shriek of pain, the Klingon bowed over reflexively to hold himself, but instead with a sharp thud, cracked his own head on the bar, bouncing backward to lay dazed on the floor. Mark got painfully back to his feet, and seeing some of his shipmates still fighting the Klingons, jumped back into the fray with a resigned sigh.
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Re: Quarks Bar

Post by Reliant121 »

"CAN WE PLEASE GET SOME SECURITY DOWN HERE?!" Quark screamed as a flailing klingon flew through the air. Getting rather desperate at the damage the brawling was currently causing. He was rather worried about the dabo girls that were darting for cover. He turned...and there was a sight he thought he'd never want.

D'Tyra stood in the doorway, her hand outstretched holding her disrupter. She called out in a voice that sounded way to loud for a dainty romulan.

"RIGHT. Will you PLEASE stop fighting. I'm armed, dangerous and f*cking p*ssed off. Don't make me relieve my bad mood," She screamed, strafing the pistol across the crowd. Most of them stopped. But one rowdy klingon made a lunge for her. She aimed the pistol and fired, stunning him square in the chest. He fell backward.

"ANY MORE?! HUH?!" She hollered again, her face crumpled with bloodthirsty anger. A couple of people, including Darel, stared in shock.

"BARKEEP?! Give me something human, alcoholic and enough to get me drunk if served in a tankard."

Quark poured a large whiskey glass. She hollered to the table, sat down and downed it.

"Ok....now that i have my drink...carry on gentlemen!" she shouted, smiling.
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Re: Quarks Bar

Post by Mark »

As the melee erupted all around, with bottles, chairs, and the occasional body flying threw the air, Dr. Holmes took cover. Quickly ducking under the Dabo table, he muttered to himself,

"I was on a roll damnit!".

Looking around, he noticed his two Dabo girls had vanished as quickly and as neatly as if they had been transported away, which Holmes supposed was possible since they were major attractions and if the Ferengi had half the brain of a Tarkalian muskrat, he'd protect those valuble investments. The melee itself was spreading out, and security had yet to arrive, so Holmes figured now would be the time to put his impressive brain to use, and do the smartest thing he could think of.
Taking a better grip on his cane, he started crawling away. Quickly. He had just made the staircase leading to the upper level, when he heard a moan of pain that didn't fit the general din of the room. He looked over and saw a rather small Klingon, with his knife drawn stabbing teasingly at a young ensign, who was already holding an injured and bleeding arm.

"Shit" Holmes muttered under his breath. Looking up an idea struck him. Not much a crippled doctor could do down here, no matter how smart he was, but he distinctly remembered reading about the advantage of having the high ground when we was about five years old. As quickly as his bad leg would let him, he hopped up the stairs to the second level and looked down at the fray from above. The same young ensign had a bloody slice down the left side of his face now, and the Klingon looked like he was getting excited from the blood.

Holmes began with a bottle of some oddly colored liquer, which he tossed at the Klingon, and missed. The Klingon glanced to his left in confusion, but quickly recovered his stance when the ensign made an attempt to break free. Holmes followed the bottle with both chairs, a mug, and his own personal hip flask. He just couldn't hit the damn Klingon. Finally, getting fed up, he managed to wrestle the table over to the railing. As the Klingon lunged in, drawing blood yet again, Holmes let go. The table, slightly off the mark, hit the Klingon, but also crashed into another knot of both Klingon combatants and Bajoran Militia who had just shown up to try and break up the fight. Both sides pointed up in his direction and began making for the stairs.

"Oh, hell" Holmes hobbled away as fast as he could toward the holo suites figureing that he could hide in one. Quickly coming to the first one, he keyed the enterence. An error message came up indication a suite malfunction. He hobbled to the next one. This one had a sign that proclaimed that the door was broken, and would be fixed tomorrow.

"Just great" Holmes said as he came to a third door. He keyed the console and the panal showed it locked and in use. Hearing the angry shouts of the mob coming after him already at the top of the stairs, he pulled a small rod out of his pocket and inserted it into a panal slot. The door hissed open and Holmes fled inside, closing and locking the door after him. Turning, he saw that he appeared to be in some kind of Vulcan temple, and in front him were two scantily clad Vulcan "love slaves" and two unclad and very surprised, and increasingly angry looking women.

"Oh snap" the doctor exclaimed "I mean, no need to worry, I'm a doctor." With a huge smile on his face, he wondered if he was going to find himself in more trouble in here than he would have found himself in out there.
They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
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Re: Quarks Bar

Post by Tsukiyumi »

" That was amazing, Uzume." Devi whispered. The last twenty minutes had been intense; she had no idea she was so flexible. Uzume brushed a lock of hair back from Devi's brow, and kissed her forehead gently.

" Next time will be even better; you'll see." She smiled, and stretched her arms behind her head. Devi rested her head on Uzume's petite bosom as she stretched as well; she was rather spent. " I went easy on you this time. I was barely getting started when you, well, got there "

Devi opened her mouth to respond when the holosuite doors opened again, revealing a middle-aged man hobbling rapidly in on his cane. Devi scrambled to cover herself as the man made mention of being a doctor; she barely heard what he'd said before Uzume had grabbed him and shoved him against the wall.

" Hey now. You break it, you buy it!" he quipped, even with her powerful fingers around his neck. " Aren't you the Ravage's security officer? You might want to take this up with the Klingons that chased me in here; they're tearing the bar apart out there."

Uzume's face flashed between outrage and determination within a second, and she stormed out the door, still completely bare. The doctor gasped for a second, rubbing his throat, and quipped as Devi rushed past, " Can I get a transfer over there? You two are a lot better looking than the misshapen freaks I'm dealing with on the Daystrom! And I love the tattoos, security chick!"

Uzume didn't break stride as she approached the closest Klingon; the brute stopped in mid-swing against a Bajoran security officer at the sight of her nakedness, but he recovered quickly enough, reaching for her throat. She grasped his hand between his thumb and forefinger and twisted upward and to the side, snapping the thumb with a satisfying crack. As his face twisted in pain, she drove her other hand upward, palm open, into his elbow, breaking the joint, and then elbowed him in the face, sending him to the floor.

Another Klingon rushed her from behind, tackling her into a table, and both of them sprawled to the ground. As he overpowered her, and laced his fingers around her neck, she struck his nose with a flat palm, rolled him over, and dug her thumbs into his clavicle. He gagged, and she raised her arm to strike again when someone else caught her elbow.

She spun; ready to attack, when she recognized the other as the CO of the Daystrom, " You got them, okay?" he said gently, releasing her arm. He held his hands up to illustrate his intent, and his antennae matched the movement. " Regular security can take it from here, Lieutenant. Damn fine showing, for someone out of uniform "

She glanced down at herself, and blushed deeply, " Apologies, sir. I didn't have time to get dressed "

Devi, half-dressed as well, grabbed Uzume's shoulder and dragged her back around the corner to privacy.

Just as Uzume had her uniform top back on, the doctor peeked his head out of the holosuite, " I see you have another hour or so in here; if you don't feel like coming back in, do you mind if I finish the program myself?"

Devi threw her combadge at his head.

" Okay then! Thanks!" he disappeared back into the holosuite.

Devi and Uzume stared at each other and chuckled.
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939
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Re: Quarks Bar

Post by Lt. Staplic »

Cix woke up in a detintion cell. He'd been in a rather nasty tussle with another Klingon when the Bajoran Milita had shown up. The Klinon lunged at him with a d'k'tang, but Cix grabbed hold of the Klingoh's hand and twisted the knife out of his hand and shoving it back into the Klingons shoulder. The next thing he knew he'd been hit by one of the Bajoran, then he passed out.

Cix heard the doors to the brig open and stood to meet the new guest. Captain Tusk walked in with one of the stations security officers.

"Lieutenant," The captian said in a very stern tone

"Sir," Cix replied ready for whatever punishment the captain had for him.

"I expect better from my Chief Security Officer, Bar fights are not something I want aboard my ship." The captain continued maintaining a strict tone.

"Yes, sir," Cix said.

"But I'm glad to know my security officer isn't some timid officer that's going to take that Klingon crap." The captain finished relenting and letting a slight grin creep accross his face. "C'mon let's head back to the Valkyrie, but if this happenns again, I will be forced to take action."

Cix nodded awknowleding the captains point, and let a small, snarl looking, grin creep accorss his mouth, happy that Tusk wasn't as strict as some of his former commanders.

Captain Tusk nodded at the security officer who dropped the forcefield, letting Cix return with the captain to the Valkyrie.


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Re: Quarks Bar

Post by Teaos »

"Klingon, male, 34!" Teaos called out as another Starfleet crewmen ran a tricorder over a patch of blood on the wall.

"Klingon!" The crewmen called out causing the small crowd in the bar to cheer.

"Male!" He announced causing an even larger cheer to go up.

"22" He finally called lowering the tricorder as a disappointed boo sounded around the bar.

"Guess the blood stain" was quickly becoming the most popular game at Quarks bar after the last nights bar fight.

The biggest highlight of the day had come when Commander Hewer had guessed a young Bajoran militia fighter only to have the blood prove to be his own, Hewer had had to leave soon after when the crowd kept slapping his arse and calling him "love".
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Quarks Bar

Post by Mark »

Quarks Bar - 2390

McDuff sat alone at a table on the second floor balcony. The bar was still being repaired after the nasty brawl with the Klingons, and a group of personnel were playing identify the bloodstain on the wall, or some other similar kind of insanity. McDuff shook his head, thinking how some things will never change. At the bar were a bunch of newly graduated crewmen, so fresh he could imagine he could hear them squeak if they moved to fast. He'd guess they were from the Paladin by the exuberance they were showing. This HAD to be they're first assignment, straight out of Advanced Track Training. He knew what it was like to be given your dream job fresh out of training. With a smile, he thought back to his graduation day,

Starfleet Enlisted Training Center - 2318

"Congratulations, Crewman." McDuff's tyrannical training Chief said, as he shook the young man's hand, who was progressing down the stage with the rest of his graduating cycle, of just shy of a hundred people. Chief Petty Officer Goldstein was a nearly impossible task master and had been with McDuff and his squad since they're first day of Basic Training 26 weeks ago. The man was not only heartless, but apparently omniscient as well, because he knew EXACTLY what was going on with EVERY trainee assigned under his command at any given time. In fact, some of the trainees speculated he was either part Betazoid or had placed surveillance devices in the crew barracks. Either way, it was impossible for anybody to get away with anything with him around. A few tried, and promptly received Goldstein's boot in there rear ends. Two of those offenders found themselves dismissed from Starfleet completely after a rather nasty prank landed one of the other trainees in sickbay. He somehow even managed to know when trainees were half stepping and not giving the best they could. More than once McDuff had found himself being "motivated" by holding a phaser rifle extended from his body for periods at a time, or scrubbing the sonic shower with some kind of old style dental device the Chief called a toothbrush.

McDuff resumed his place with his squad of nine other trainees, standing off with the rest of those graduating from the engineering track, as the commanding officer of the S.E.T.C., Captain Kevin Riley stepped to the lectern to give the commencement speech.

"Today is a big day for these men and women." Captain Riley began "They have not only endured a punishing regimen, but they have excelled. They will now take they're places out among the stars .."

Captain Riley's speech lasted for well over an hour, as it was a running joke how much he liked to hear himself talk. All McDuff could think about was what ship he would get assigned to (a cargo freighter if he believed Chief Goldstein), and wondering if he'd get any leave time before having to report.

Later, after the ceremony was completed, the whole crew posted on the drill pad to receive their new assignments.

Chief Goldstein barked "Crewman Statris, 0400 on Tuesday. You've got the USS Lantree, NCC-1839. She's a Miranda class."

"Aye aye, Chief!" was the reply.

"Crewman Smith" the Chief went on "1600 next week Friday. You've got the USS Constellation, NCC-1974. Your in luck, crewman. She's the first of her class, and a ship of the line. Congratulations and well done."

Again, "Aye aye, Chief!" was the immediate response.

"Crewman Reid" the Chief addressed the small long haired beauty, with whom McDuff had been sleeping with every chance he got. "1200 hours on Wednesday. You'll report to the USS Copernicus, NCC-623. You should have an easy time of it. She's an Oberth Class, so bring something to read."

The entire crew chuckled at her despondent look as she smartly replied "Aye, aye Chief!" until a look that spoke eloquently of death from the Chief silenced everyone.

"Well McDuff, are you curious which tramp freighter we've decided to stick you aboard?" The Chief asked with an evil grin.

"Sir, yes, sir." McDuff replied.

"Well, you'll be glad to hear you won't be getting ANY leave time, Crewman." The Chief announced with relish. Again, the other members of the crew laughed lightly, but this time Goldstein didn't stop them. "Seems that you'll be shipping out tonight. Report at 2000 hours to the orbital office and ferry over to your ship. Lucky for you they're in for some work, so you'll be able to get right to it."

The rest of the crew was still laughing at McDuff's misfortune as he asked "Uh, Chief ..what ship, sir?"

"Oh, did I forget to mention that, Crewman?" he asked mildly, glancing around at the chuckling crew. "Your ride is an Excelsior class. You may have heard of it. The USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-B." All laughter stopped at that point as Goldstein smiled warmly for the first time he could ever remember. "Do us proud, son."
Quark's Bar - 2390

McDuff sat back in his chair reminiscing. "Oh yeah." He thought "I can remember what that felt like."
They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
and walk like Frankenstein.
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Re: Quarks Bar

Post by Lt. Staplic »

Kyfro walked into the dark dingy room labeled Quark's Bar. Since the fight in the bar, the Station Commandeer and the Commodore had decided to post constant security. The Bajoran militia was overwhelmed during the fight, and it was decided that the Marine's would do serve as the security force instead, no one really wanted to get in a fight when they knew they'd be in the crosshairs of the marines new PR-13 Assault Rifles. Although they hadn't yet been used in actual combat, the test targets said that even the lowest setting hurt like hell.

The Bajoran militia obviously wasn't too thrilled about being replaced by the Marines, and Kyfro wasn't to thrilled about it either. The Marines weren't posted to this mission to be bar bouncers. They were there to act with deadly force against any who would oppose them. It especially didn't help that their Platoon had been selected as the babysitting team. In most people that had seen the new Marine Corps in action, almost all of them agreed that they had one of the most effective and lethal units outside of the black-ops. Lieutenant Corrin, Kyfro's platoon commandeer, agreed with him, but there wasn't anything either of them could do.

Kyfro stationed his men all around the bar, several up on the balcony, two by the door, a couple near the holosuites, and the rest scattered around the main level. Kyfro himself stood near the bar where he had been forced to listen to the owner's complaints to the security since the beginning of his shift.

"Do you know how much business you guys are running off!" Quark yelled at Kyfro from behind the bar.

"If I remember your exaggeration correctly almost half." Kyfro responded.

"I wasn't exaggerating! And with your men up near the holosuites, I'm lucky to get a single customer! No one wants to run one of my programs when they know a couple Marines are standing right outside the door!" Quark yelled.

"I'm sorry sir, but it's not up to me." Kyfro replied trying to keep his anger in check.

"You know, I could reward you very handsomely if you and your men were to get, uh, distracted with a skirmish else where," Quark started reaching out and grabbing Kyfro by the shoulder.

Kyfro spun around grabbed Quarks arm and yanked him over the bar where he pinned him up against one of the stools with the speed and grace unique to his race.

"We are not interested in bribes, If you attempt to bribe or touch me or any of my men again, you will spend the night in the brig on the Valkyrie." Kyfro said then he released Quark who quickly scampered away from him.

Well at least he'll leave me alone from now on
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
Posts: 1289
Joined: Wed Jul 18, 2007 6:28 pm

Re: Quarks Bar

Post by shran »

Suddenly the holodeck suite doors opened, and an ensign limped out.

Kyfro asked:"What the hellwere you still doing in there?"

Kasper answered:"I had a rather epic fight in very close quarters with a ferret."

"Just don't elaborate on it, will you. anyway, why are you limping?"

"The ferret bit me."


"Like I said, in VERY close quarters."

"I won't ask anything else on what happened there."

"Thank you," Kasper said, as he limped off to sickbay or someplace calm where he could rest and recover by himself.