Mission brief

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Mission brief

Post by Teaos »

This will be for official stats only. This is so we can have an easy place of reference of all the details we need to use in story. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: DO NOT POST IN HERE!
If you have something you wished changed or added put it in the stats thread or PM me.

Posting rules:

I'll try to keep this as simple as possible since this is supposed to be fun.

Post responsibly, don't be super man and try to stay in character. If your guy is a science nerd like mine is don't make him Rambo also. Your character has faults. No one is amazing at everything. It makes for a very boring character and a annoying one.

Remember this is an RPG not a war game. Don't just wait for the action or wait for someone to give you something to do. Create your own mini stories and character development. Build relationships with other character either good or bad. The main plot is just there to keep us online it is not the defining point of the story.

I'm not going to put a size restriction on post sizes but make it reasonably. To big and people may have trouble reading it all if there are several posts like that.

You can't kill or maim another character. This means you can't give them any injury that they can not easily continue work with. During a fight you can say some shrapnel hit Rochey and caused a cut on his arm or something like that but nothing more. You are free to do what ever you like to your character.

You can do what ever you like to your own OC's but the rules above apply when dealing with other peoples. I can kill by science OC's but not engineering ones. You can kill any faceless person you want. So long as someone hasn't created a specific character you are free to kill them.

Try to not cause anything to outrageous like the Borg showing up or something totally absurd. Most of this is just common sense.

And that's about it. The standard posting rules which most people follow naturally.
Last edited by Teaos on Thu May 15, 2008 12:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Post by Teaos »

This is the USS Daystrom NCC-77127 a type 3 Akira class heavy cruiser. She is currently stationed out of starbase T-12 of the Maddox defense line. She has just undergone a massive refit of every system and is a considerable step up from the standard Akira. Here stats are as follows.

Year: 2380

USS-Daystrom NCC- 77127

Ship: Akira class heavy cruiser version 3.5

Length : 464.43 m
Beam : 316.67 m
Height : 87.43 m
Decks : 19

Mass : 3,055,000 tons
Crew : 500 (evac 4500)

3 x Type XII phaser arrays, total output 32,000 TeraWatts
15 x Pulse fire quantum torpedo tube with 1200 rounds

Standard shield system, total capacity 2,876,500 TeraJoules
High Duranium/Tritanium Double hull plus 5.4 cm High density armour.
High level Structural Integrity Field

Normal Cruise : 7.5
Maximum Cruise : 9.55
Maximum Rated : 9.87 for 12 hours.

Beam Firepower : 640
Torpedo Firepower : 10,125
Weapon Range and Accuracy : 1080
Shield Strength : 1065
Hull Armour : 942
Speed : 1,425
Combat Manoeuvrability : 1,880
Over all: 3,443

Deck 1: Main Bridge
Deck 2: Main Engineering
Deck 3: Main Engineering, Armoury 1
Deck 4: Main Engineering, Holodeck 1
Deck 5: Security Offices, Armoury 2
Deck 6: Transporter Room 1, Sickbay
Deck 7: Science Labs/Offices Transporter Room 2
Deck 8: Crew Quarters, Mess Hall
Deck 9: Crew Quarters, Holodeck 2
Deck 10: Shuttle Bay (fore + aft), Armoury 3
Deck 11: Shuttle Bay (fore + aft)
Deck 12: Officer's Quarters, Computer Core
Deck 13: Transporter Room 3, Holodeck 3
Deck 14: Emergency Bridge, Secondary Computer Core, Armoury 4
Deck 15: Crew Quarters
Deck 16: Cargo Storage (inc. anti-/matter)
Deck 17: Cargo Bays
Deck 18: Deflector Control
Deck 19: Cargo Bays

Type 9 Shuttle Craft: 7
Falcon Class Fighters: 21
Type 7 Cargo Shuttles: 5
Danube Class Runabout: 3
Prototype Shuttle: 1
ACV (Argo Class Vehicle): 3

Prototype class

Type: Short Range Explorer

Unit Run: 1 - experimental

Commisioned: 2379-present

Dimensions: Length: 41.5 m
Beam: 24.5 m
Height: 9.8 m
Decks: 2
Crew: 2 (evac 150)

Armament: 2 x pulse phaser cannons, total output 4700 TeraWatts
3 x Type VIII phaser arrays, total output 4500 TeraWatts
Standard probe/photon launcher with 25 rounds

Defense systems: Standard shield system, total capacity 159,520 TJ
Standard duranium/tritanium single hull
Standard SIF

Warp Speeds:
Normal cruise: 5
Maximum cruise: 6
Maximum rated: 8 for 9 hours

Beam firepower: 184
Torpedo firepower: 125
Weapon range and accuracy: 190
Shield strength: 59.081
Hull/armor: 50
Speed: 535
Combat maneuverability: 22900
Overall strength index: 184

Falcon class

Type: Light fighter

Unit Run: 12,548 built in total. 3,958 have been lost in all. This class remains in service.

Commisioned: 2379-present

Dimensions: Length: 12 M
Beam: 9 M
Height: 4 M
Decks: 1

Crew: 1

Armament: 2 Light pulse phasers, total output 1,100 Terra Watts
2 micro photon torpedoe tubes with 12 rounds

Defence Systems: Standard shield system, total capacity 51,500 Terra Joules
Light Duranium/Tritanium Single hull
Low level Structural Integrity Field

Warp Speeds: Normal cruise: 3.5
Maximum cruise: 4
Maximum rated: 4.23 for 3.5 hours

Diplomatic capability: None

Expected hull life: 15 years

Beam firepower: 22
Torpedo firepower: 20
Weapons range and acuracy: 12
Shield strength: 21
Hull armour: 3
Speed: 130
Combat maneuverability: 20,000
Last edited by Teaos on Sat May 17, 2008 3:10 pm, edited 4 times in total.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Post by Teaos »

Follows is the crew manifest and departmental make up of the Daystrom.

Departmental crew numbers:

Engineering: 150
Tactical: 55
Security: 100
Science: 10
Medical: 30
Operations: 95
Other (specialists, diplomats, command etc): 60

Captain: Overall command of the ship. All senior officers report to him. In battle he gives the major orders such as engage in combat retreat and some tactical decisions while leaving the finer details to the rest of the officers.

Second in command: Same as the captain. In charge when captain isn't present and usually leads away teams.

Science: Runs the only lab on ship. In charge of probes and scanners. During battle usually relays information to the captain about the battle ground.

Tactical: Responsible for the weapons and defense systems for the ship. During combat they target and fire on enemies.

Security: Works closely with tactical. In charge of on ship and off ship security. During battle they to deal with any boarding parties or board the enemy vessel if called for. Has the tactical group units under their jurisdiction in close co-operation with tactical.

Operations: All ships communication personal and professional goes through here. General running of the ships day to day systems as well. During battle they relay and messages and status reports ie whats working whats not.

Medical: Day to day health of the crew. Deals with any battle injuries. May be called on for med teams to go help landing parties.

Helm: Drives. Also including the shuttles and scout.

Engineering: Day to day maintenance of the ship. Keeps the ship working during combat by negating damaged systems.

Diplomat: Helps in dealing with other species and powers.

Command Personal:[/b]
The Bridge of the Daystrom is set out thusly:

Captain: Andrew Fletcher (OC)
Rank: Captain
Race: Human
Family: Age 52. One sister who is a nurse on deep space exploration vessel rest of family dead. Was previously the tactical officer of a Nebula class star ship during the War and latter helped in the rebuilding of Cardassia. Has respect for Starfleet protocol knowing the mayhem that can happen if people are given to much freedom but he does not let it dictate the way he runs his ship. Willing to let his crew solve problems between themselves but will step in if he feels it is necessary.

Second in Command: Andyeskovene Rocheineskina, for ease of pronunciation this is often abrieviated to 'Rochey'
Age: 42
Homeworld: Tholia
Service record: Joined the Tholian Military at the age of 23 as a tactical officer, rose quickly through the ranks to become second in command of the starship Tnyeskine, during one of Starfleets officer exchange programs he was transfered to the USS Daystrom at the rank of Commander.

Rather reclusive, he is not often seen unless on duty, prefering to keep to his quarters which he keeps at a more 'comfortable' temperature. He is more militaristic and willing to use force to achieve results than other Starfleet officersand he has also earned a reputation among the crew as being quite ruthless and vicious in combat.
He is also prone to complaining about the designs of Federation ships, and the temperature the ship is normally kept at.

Effecient and punctual, he detests laziness or idleness amongst the crew and comes down hard on members of the crew he considers to be shirking their responsibility. This has not made him popular amongst the crew members, who see him as stern and rather merciless in handing out punishments.

Chief Science officer (CMO) and third in command: Teaos Whitshire, reffered to as Teaos.
Refer to Science department for full bio.

Federation Ambassador: Vacant

Science department personal:

Chief Science officer (CMO) and third in command: Teaos Whitshire, reffered to as Teaos.
Roll: Science officer

Character info: Human, 36, average height and build, graduated Oxford university before joined starfleet. Majored in Subspace science. Father ex starfleet officer mother was a civilian engineer. Sister and brother died in Dominion war.

A very aloof officer he only joined Starfleet to get access to there superior technology and scientific opportunities. Hopes to one day be given command of a Nova class science vessel.

Like to work in a close friendly environment with few rules and regualations, fosters a sense of family with in his department. Has a great dislike for "Weekend scientists" trying to step into his department and tell him his job. While he is an officer he generally doesn't pull rank unless he feels it is the best needs of his department, prefers to work with people the order them about.

Ensign Ammy Sternson (OC)
Roll: Second in command of Science
Bio: Fresh out of the academy this is her first assignment. The youngest of 5 shildren all girls she is glad to be out of her older sisters shadow. She majored in theoretical propulsion at the academy finishing in the top 5 of her class.

Quinn Whitnal (OC)
Rank: Crewmen
Roll: Sensor specialist
Bio: 39 year old scientist who had been working as a civilian scientist in the Jupiter complex. Lost his wife during the war and has since joined Starfleet as a enlisted scientist to have access to there superior resources.

Operations Crew:[/b]

Chief Operation officer (COO): M'karn "Mikey" W'trisk
race: Andorian
age: 41 yrs.
specs: 5'9"; 172 lbs. (approx. 78 kg); skin: blue; hair: white
position: operations officer

background: somewhat of a troubled youth - minor legal brushes - but turned around in time to attend Starfleet Academy and graduate in top third of class. One five-year deep-space exploration tour on a Niagara-class out of the Academy as an ensign assigned to conn, followed by a three-year tour as Lt. j.g. as a junior tactical officer on a New Orleans-class on picket/escort/patrol duty. Loyal and respectful of the chain of command, but can be a hothead... tries to control himself with meditation and traditional Andorian version of pankration.

Helm: Vacant

Ensign Grr'lek (OC)
race: Caitian
age: 26
- tall, slim, brown-furred; prior experience as an operations supervisor on a starbase; by nature somewhat aloof and reserved, sometimes seems to be almost lax, but this is due to the extreme precision and economy he excercises in words and in actions. Currently beta-shift bridge ops.

Name: Van pelt (OC)
Position: Gamma shift opps officer

Name: Carson (OC)
Position: Opps

Name: Taylor (OC)
Position: Opps

Name: Friedman (OC)
Position: Opps

Security crew:[/b]

Chief of Security: Monroe
Species: Breen
Promoted during last mission from security crewmen. Formed a close alliance with Commander Rochey. Killed a fellow crew man during last mission as part of mission, was investigated but cleared of all charges. Given a verbal warning from the captain.

Tactical Crew:[/i]

Chief tactical Officer (CTO): Jonathan Hewer
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Date of Birth: 17th June 2351
Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
Role: Chief Tactical Officer

Family: father died in Cardassian war as a lieutenant, mother lives on earth with Jonathan's younger brothers, who are 16 and 18.

Bio: graduated university with a masters in theoretical physics in 2372. Graduated the academy in 2376 with distinctions in astrophysics and tactical analysis. After graduation, Jonathan had a two year stint onboard the USS Exeter as a tactical relief officer as an ensign. In 2378/79, he attended advanced tactical training, and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant J.G. upon graduating. Has served upon the USS Daystrom for 11 months.

Lieutenant Junior Grade Anker Zionex, a loud mouthed Bolian, who is the leader of the fighter shuttle pilots.

Lieutenant Junior Grade Grahame Niles, the second in command of the tactical department, does the same sort of thing as my character but just reports to me.

Master Chief Petty Officer Charles Nelson, a warhorse from the first Cardassian war (the one from about 2347 - 2354), is about 60 years old (which isn't that old in ST, Picard was this old in Farpoint, for example), he is in charge of the tactical engineers, so repairs fighter craft, phaser/torpedo maintenance, analysing weapons, etc etc.

Ensign Jones - a relief officer, not much used

Ensign Gilliteo - a Betazed tactical officer, not much used

Ensign Smith - a tactical sensor analysist, has done various odd jobs on the sensors

Medical crew:[/i]

Chief Medical officer: Dr. Sarin Taal
Age: 31
Species: Joined Trill, 3rd host

Bio: After completing the Trill Initiate program and becoming the 3rd host for the Taal symbiant, joined starfleet medical. Graduated and worked as a medical assistant on the U.S.S. Galaxy. Applied for position of Cheif Medical officer on the USS Daystrom when the ship was commissioned.

Engineering crew:[/i]

Chief Engineer: Nicholas E Seafort AWOL
Race: Human
Posting: Chief Engineer
Rank: Lieutenant

Character Bio: Born Cardiff, Earth 2350, single parent family (father). Attended Starfleet Academy 2368-2372. Posted aboard USS Hibernia during the Dominion War - took command of the ship as Ensign in late 2374 when all senior officers were killed, promoted Lt j.g. Served aboard USS Challenger at 2nd Battle of Chintoka. Served aboard USS Olympiad 2375-2380 as Assistant Chief Engineer. Promoted Lt. 2378. Appointed Chief Engineer of USS Daystrom upon commissioning.

Name: Metler Xene Minnsky
Species: Human (Mechanical left leg and lung.)
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Mars, North Sector, Grid twenty nine, Pad 8, Room 3.
Age: Twenty six
Family Marital Status: Single
Mother: Lily X Minnsky (Chief of Civilian Ship Services of Mars [CSSM])
Father: Jim M Minnsky (Head of Mars relations to Utopia Planitia)
Sister: Xene M Minnsky (Assistant chief of Civilian Ship Services of Mars [CSSM])
Aged 13 served in CSSM
aged 20 Elisted in StarFleet did not attend acadmiy
Served on:
Served on U.S.S Grensh NCC-8892 (Third Engineer) 2374
Served on U.S.S Carpathia NCC-10625-B (Second Engineer) 2374-2379
After returning to earth for Carpathia refit Minnsky went to Starfleet Engineering corps to show them his new concepts on space travel and ship design, he was laughed out of the corps and shortly thereafter left starfleet to presue his dreams elsware.

Strengths/Talents: Abel to adapt to many situations, Can hide his primary agenda, Normally calm. Limitations/Weaknesses:
Hiding his agenda when he dose not need to, Absent minded at times, Some times seems to calm.Likes: Most people, secure places, any music. Dislikes:
Slow responding people, Vulcans, people that do not show smarts. Quirks: Constantly has a PADD one that he has modded for him. Hobbies/Interests:
Engineering, history of ancient species, Aliens in general. Ambitions: Hopes to become chief engineer of a Federation starship, also help design one
he is multy lingwal knowing Romulan, Cardasian, Klinong, human and bolin.

Former crew members:

Alexis 'Cardinal' Harrison
Age: 25
Native of Nothern England, short for his age 5'8'', but heavy build 13.5st.
Apparently clean record regarding careers, academia, health and the law (suspiciously so), appears to be a typical faceless citizen in the masses, only differentiated by a knack for linguistics and lust for cultural experiences.

Name: Blackstar
Species: Chakat
Age: 21
Background: Born in a parallel universe an accident sent hir ship into this universe. Seeing as shi couldn't replicate the accident shi felt it best to do what shi loved to do, fly starships. Shi joined Starfleet and despite hir attitude problem passed the academy and quickly became known as one of the best pilots ever produced. Shi is rated to fly most starships, shuttles and land-based vehicles. If shi wasn't so good shi would've been kicked out for hir attitude and occasional practical jokes. Shi also has a love for 20th century Earth stuff, and owns or replicates many things from that era including a number of weapons and vehicles. Shi has a fondess for using dynamite-loaded arrows.

Being the only Chakat has presented little trouble as they're a durable species having two sets of all hir vital organs, one in hir lowerbody and another in hir upper body. Shi is empathic to a limited degree but doesn't pry into a person without permission, but is still a good lie detector. The only real trouble is hir build, while shi can sit anywhere, and has a custom taur-form chair on the bridge, shi does have issues with jeffreys tubes. Hir larger size also takes up the equivalent of two humanoid patterns in a transporter. The only other problem is that shi can be too friendly and trusting.

Race: Human, liberated from the Borg Collective
Posting: Security/Tactical - Infantry sharpshooter
Rank: Lt Junior Grade

Character Bio: Originally a borg drone, during the battle of Sector 001 over Earth, many boarding parties were beamed onto the attacking starships. When the drones attempted to commandeer the starships and assimilate them, one panicky Ensign aboard the crippled <i>Defiant</i> stunned the first drone he saw before he could readjust his phaser to a higher setting. This shot hit Jack Ryson, and stunned the drone heavily. When the <i>Defiant</i> was salvaged, the team noticied the stunned drone, and immediatly beamed it back to the starship they were operating from. Jack Ryson was ultimately liberated from the collective, and gently reintegrated into human society.

Since not all borg implants could be removed, Jack's phyiscal strength remains highly enhanced, he is very strong, agile, and has excellent reaction time and hand-eye coordination. He ultimately decided to join starfleet in order to do something with his life, realizing that his borg enhancements would make him an ideal candidate for security and tactical assignments. He graduted Starfleet academy and was assigned briefly to a science vessel, whereupon after several months of service he requested a transferr, which was accepted, and he was sent to the USS Daystrom.

Physical Description:

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 195 lbs
Eye Color: Green/Blue (right/left)
Hair color: Black
Notes: Several borg implants visible on the body: One on the right arm, just above the tricep on the shoulder, one on the back of the neck on the left side just above the hairline, one in the upper right thigh on the outside of the leg.

Chief Petty Officer Kenneth "Gunny" Sharkey (OC)
race: human
age: 42
- medium height, stocky build, short military-style haircut with salt-and-pepper hair; combat veteran of both Cardassian and Dominion Wars, then served on USS Stilwell with Mikey as leader of a ground security detail, mechanized (by equipment similar to the Argo quite personable, but also determined, tenacious, and pragmatic. Currently in charge of non-tactical flight deck operations.
Last edited by Teaos on Thu May 15, 2008 12:47 pm, edited 8 times in total.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Post by Teaos »

Alpha Mission log:

The Daystrom has finished its refit under the watchful eye of Lieutenant Jon and collected its crew. We departed the starbase and are on our way to investigate the disappearing ships that have been reported in this sector. The USS Sydney is also on this mission but it is exploring a sector further up the defense line.

After leaving the safety of the Maddox defense line we made our way to Tholian space were we meet up with a Tholian cruiser. While not the one we were expecting the captain wrote this off to a last minute change by the Tholians. We were granted limited access to their space to conduct our search.

We have had several strange events on the ship thus far, ranging from a seemingly fine get malfunctioning component which our CEO found to a mysterious sensor blip which seems to be tailing us. We also appeared to have a phantom intruder in our cargo bay which has yet to be identified although it did leave some trace evidence.

Most troubling of all is the death of our Chief of Security in a shuttle malfunction.

Our staff seems to be struggling to come together although there does seem to be Progress. Our Second in commands strict discipline is winning him few friends, several other members of crew are having trouble adjusting to the many cultures on board. From slips of tongues to apparent rudeness or over stepping bounds. We shall see how our crew continues to work together. Lt Monroe was promoted to head of Security.

We sent an away team to a planet after detecting traces of the missing crew. The mission quickly spiraled out of control with the death of a crew man and another going rouge putting the entire mission at risk.

With the missing Federation citizens recovered and the death of several crew we made our way back to friendly space, on rout we came in contract with a Lt M'Real who was there to investigate the happenings on our ship. After being unable to find out anything the investigation was closed

On rout to our home base we came across a distress call. It proved to be a rouse by a rouge group trying to incite a war between the Federation and Tholian assembly. Managing to diffuse the situation and capture a number of prisoners we continued home. Unfortunately the prisoners managed to escape from their cells killing several crew members before being subdued.

After docking at Starbase T-12 the captain is being debriefed and being informed of our next mission.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Post by Teaos »

Beta Mission Brief. Subject to change.

Mission: Seek and Destroy the Neutronium Brotherhood.

Environment: Extreme asteroid saturation. Primary base on a small planetoid terraformed into M class conditions. Massive planetary rings due to deflector shields diverting asteroids around planet.

Battle Plan: The three strike groups approach the Brotherhood home base the a Phalanx formation. The Daystroms strike groups has point firing the inital barage of weapons fire before splitting off to enegage the Enemy fleet in close quarter combat. Mean while the Dakotas strike group will blast through the lines to land the army on the surface before turning to hold postion and run interfence. The final strike group will engage the ODPs.

Enemy fleet estimation: Intelligence points to a fairly large amount of ships at the Brotherhoods disposal. These ships have been gathered through blackmail, piracy, corruption and personal property of members.

2 Keldon and 3 Galor class starships. These were acquired close to the end of the Dominion war when a disgruntled Cardassian Commander saw the inevitable defeat and the abuse of the Dominion and disserted with his strike force.

2 Ferengi built D'Kora class ships owned by Narg. The Ferengi financial manager of the Brotherhood.

3 D7 class battleships. Brought from mothballs upgraded with modern tech.

1 Vor'cha class ship. Salvaged from a damaged ship yard during the war.

5 Breen frigates gifted to the Brotherhood from deserters after the war.

Multiple Klingon Bird of Preys brought of the Klingon Defence force as out dated models.

Anywhere from one to three dozen smaller craft ranging in size from fighters to almost Defiant size.

They are also known to deploy Orbital Defence platforms and Subspace weapons:

Brotherhood Orbital Weapon Platform

Height: 48.3 meters
Length: 70.8 meters
Beam: 70.8 meters

Mass: 102,000 metric tons.

Armament: 7x rapid-fire disruptor cannons, total output: 35,000 Terawatts.

Defense Systems: Standard shield system, total capacity 900,000 terajoules.
Standard Duranium single hull plus 25 cm high density armor.
Low level structural integrity field.

Strength Indices -
Beam firepower: 700
Torpedo firepower: -
Weapon range and accuracy: 400
Shield strength: 333.3
Hull Armor: 2502
Speed: -
Combat maneuverability: 10

Overall Strength Index: 473.5

Anti-capital ship asteroid gun:

Intelligence suggests that the Brotherhood has managed to build five massive disruptor canons. They have been placed in batteries on several of the asteroids around the Brotherhoods home planet.

Planetary defence Disruptors:
Anti-ship disruptor: Output 120,000 tw (Equivalent to Federation Mark XIV phaser)
4 point defence Disruptors: Total output 25,000 tw

Alliance fleet make up:

Strike group one, Breaking the enemy line and landing our land army.
1 - Galaxy class - USS Dakota - Flagship - Crew: Rochey, Monroe
1 - Akira class - USS Impervious- Air support
2 - Saber - USS Holland, USS Ravencrest
1 - Defiant - USS Alie
27- Falcon Class fighter (stats see ships stats top of thread)

Second strike group: Engaging the enemy fleet.

2 - Akira Class - USS Daystrom - Crew: Mikey, Teaos, Thorin, M'real (On fighter), Reliant. USS O'Ryan
1 - Nebula - USS Roberts
2 - Defiant - USS Horse shoe, USS Southern Cross
2 - Steamrunner class - USS Maginot, USS Numerical
1 - Intrepid - USS Kursk
54 - Falcon class fighters

Third strike group: Destroy unmanned defences.

1 - Lakota class refit Excelsior - USS Shoshone - Crew: Tsu
1 - Nebula Class - USS Adams
2 - Saber Class - USS Katana - Crew: M,M&I, USS Oak
1 - Intrepid: Freeman USS Abbot
4- New Orleans Class USS Brawly, USS Sherry, USS Adieu, USS Dirge.

Support craft: Stationed behind main fleet.

6 - Cargo ships with extra torpedoes, spare parts ect.
1 - Olympic class Hospital ship. USS Teresa

Beta Missions NPC's

Admiral Davidson - Fleet Admiral and will be leading the fleet on the Dakota with Rochey and Monroe.

Admiral Gaffney - Admiral incharge of Starbase T-12.

Captain Base - Stations resource and development manager.

Commander Thomas - Brotherhood expert and will be with Davidson on Dakota.

Commadore Mendozze - Head Pilot.

Commadore Ford - Ground general.

Lt Cmdr Shivlak - Fords assistant.

Captian Ruhalter -- Is a redshirt, he doesn't last very long. However, he is quite experience and does care for the welfare of his crew. He's rather Grandfather-like. His uncle was Capt. Ruhalter of the Stargazer (picards predecessor)

First Officer Commander Lewis: Bio already posted, served on E-D and E-E, served with SI in Signal Intelligence/Intentions

Chief Engineer Lt. Cmdr T'lavvik: Vulcan (duh), has been with the Katana almost since the beginning. Has picked up someone human mannerisms in her time in Starfleet, is also a bit of a cynic

Player characters in the alliance fleet:

Cmdr. Mathew Lewis

Class of 2370--Double majored in Stellar Cartography and History

Served for 6months on Enterprise-D in Stellar Cartography department. After Destruction of E-D decided to transfer to tactical (he felt his strengths lead him more in that direction than the sciences). Returned to Starfleet Acaemy for Advanced Tactical Training, graduated with honors. Did some work with Starfleet Intelligence prior to and during the Dominion War. While there became aware of existence of Section 31 and the group headed by Commander Elias Vaughn which works against 31 the best they can. Returned to Enterprise-E after incident in the Briar Patch. Served on E-E for up until the "Nemesis" incident. Requested a transfer due to..."personality conflicts" with Commander Madden. Became first officer of Sabre-Class USS Katana in 2380.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.