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Hope and Fear

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Episode image
Velocity [1]
A picture from Velocity [1]
Holoprogs entry
Episode image
Arturis [1]
A picture of Arturis [1]
People entry
Episode image
Arturis [1]
Another picture of Arturis showing his sunken ears and large cranium. [1]
People entry
Episode image
Quantum Slipstream Drive [1]
The USS Dauntless, a faked Federation starship. [1]
Sci-tech entry
Episode image
Quantum Slipstream Drive [1]
The slipstream drive power core. [1]
Sci-tech entry
Episode image
Quantum Slipstream Drive [1]
The entry into slipstream. [1]
Sci-tech entry
Episode image
Quantum Slipstream Drive [1]
Voyager mounts a rescue attempt for Janeway and Seven of Nine. [1]
Sci-tech entry
Episode image
Ship images
Dauntless Class
An external view of the Dauntless shows the vessel's unique hull geometry. [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship images
Dauntless Class
The Quantum Slipstream Drive. [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship images
Dauntless Class
Dauntless enters slipstream. [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship images
Dauntless Class
A good view of the bow. [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship internals
Dauntless Class
The bridge of the 'Dauntless class' starship [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship internals
Dauntless Class
Engineering room on the 'Dauntless class' starship [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
Borg Species 116 [1]
A member of the Species 116 species [1]
Species entry
Episode image
Arturis's Pistol - Image 1 [1]
An image of the weapon [1]
Weapons entry

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 4 Hope and Fear
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Hope and Fear

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 7,335 Last updated : 13 Apr 2014