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Caption Competition

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3 Oct 2010

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Ktasay Don't stand there gawking like you've never seen the hand of God before!!

Special Mention

Name Caption
Foxbat It's only a model...
nerd86 Kirk: ...And that's game. Well, it's been nice knowing you gentlemen, EVERYONE TO ESCAPE PODS!
Frankie Chestnuts This proves it... God is right handed.
Frankie Chestnuts Booming voice from above: "YOU PICK UP YOUR TOYS AND GET IN HERE THIS INSTANT!!"
Frankie Chestnuts Kirk: "Ho, ho, ho my ass... Damn you, Green Giant!"
Frankie Chestnuts Kirk: "Bad touch... BAD TOUCH!!"
RedDwarfian "This model took weeks of careful painting... HEY DON'T TOUCH IT!"
DBB "Hey, check it out. It's my new Starship Enterprise."
"You removed it from its original packaging?!"
RedDwarfian I cast "Bigby's Grasping Hand!"
nerd86 Kirk (after pissing off yet another omnipotent being): Alright, we'll call it a draw.
nerd86 Sergio Leone's first foray into science fiction: "A Fistful of Starships".
tlbs101 Kirk: What is it Scotty?
Scot: It's... it's... Green.
Kalor Who hasn't picked up their model Enterprise and flown it around their room?
mwhittington Enterprise: Lower...lower...lower...TOO LOW!!...lower...
woodside "This is Captain Kirk. The next person who calls the Bridge and asks if we need a hand will be court-martialled."
Mr. President This week on Star Trek, the Enterprise is caught in a bit of a pinch...
Bird of Prey It's only a model!
mwhittington Apparently, the Green Lantern had a thing for collecting Star Trek stuff...
nerd86 Kirk: I've been in worse predicaments.
McCoy: Name one.
Kirk: ...Give me a minute...
Frankie Chestnuts "HO, HO, HO... Green Giant!"
Mark Spock: I find this quite...
McCoy: Let me guess, you find this fascinating.
Spock: No, but it is quite...gripping.
The Geek Just then, to everyone's surprise, Enterprise went "SQUEEKY!"
Bird of Prey For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Enterprise
DBB Prosecutor: Can you tell us where the giant alien hand touched you?
Enterprise: ...
Prosecutor: It's okay. You're safe here. Now...
Apollo: This is ridiculous! I've never seen that ship!
Judge: One more outburt, Apollo, and I will have you removed from this courtroom! Go on, prosecutor.
Prosecutor: Thank you, judge. Now, Enterprise, tell us where the giant alien hand touched you.
Enterprise: saucer section.
Prosecutor: Was is a bad touch, or...?
Enterprise: Bad touch. It was a bad touch.

Entries : 224People : 67

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 13,509 Last updated : 3 Oct 2010