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Caption Competition

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24 Jan 2010

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Bodhi Kirk: "Scotty, What's your tricorder telling you?"
Scotty: "I'm not sure Captain, it's all Greek to me."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts An early artist's rendition of Spinal Tap's "Stonehenge" bit.
nerd86 Kirk: I've seen bigger.
Frankie Chestnuts Kirk: "Yes, yes, very impressive. Who is your gardener?"
The Prophet Apollo: "So my agent says he has a big part for me, just show up and it's mine."
Bird of Prey Kirk: "What is this??"
Chekov: "I think, I can explain Sir. I have contacted a food delivery service and was just about to order a 'big caesar salad'. But the connection broke down just after 'caesar'..."
Jo Well will ya look at that. That's the bluest sky I've ever seen.
Frankie Chestnuts Kirk: "I have just one question. Why do you have such a small picnic table?"
Frankie Chestnuts Female Lt.: "Dear Lord! His skirt is shorter than mine!"
Broccili Red Shirt: Oh no, not again.
Frankie Chestnuts Booming voice from above: "APOLLO!! You pick up your toys and get in here THIS INSTANT!"
nerd86 Kirk: Well, you know what they say, 'when in rome'... *takes off pants and tears shirt*
Bones: You're always just looking for a reason aren't you?
nerd86 Kirk's ego became so massive that it tore itself from his chest and turned itself into a Roman Pantheonic God. Riker is still jealous.
N'tran DS 12 "Don't call me tiny."
igr56uk Supersize me !!!!!
Acid Sulu: So, You Like Gladiator Movies?
Captain Reynolds Apollo: "Greetings! I am Biggus..."
Everyone Else: "DON'T SAY IT!"
zDarby Scotty: "Ach! Tell me your nea a'wear'n tha' kilt regimental!"
Frankie Chestnuts Kirk: "Bones, beam on down. I need you to perform a rectal exam.
... and bring along a ladder...
... and 100 kilos of K-Y Jelly...
... and Mr. Sulu...
... and a flashlight..."
Merat World's most terrifying upskirt.
nerd86 Bones: Why is it every planet we go to just so happens to be related to Earths past? The gangster planet, the Nazi planet, the Roman planet, the post-apocalyptic Coms and Yangs, and now here we have a freaking Greek god! I mean you'd think that the chances of this stuff happening just once would be several trillion to one, but NO!
Kirk: So what's your point Bones?
SteveWD Yeah, but can he dribble?
Exodore Kirk: What is he smilling about?!?!?
Bones: I dont know... Where is Sulu?
Sulu: Helloooooooooooooooo!
Bird of Prey Apollo: "Sacrifice me a virgin!"
Kirk: "I doubt that you'll find any virgins on MY ship..."
Bird of Prey Apollo (to Kirk) : "Priapus? Is that you?"

Entries : 230People : 63

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 13,241 Last updated : 24 Jan 2010