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Pavel Chekov

Universe : Kelvin Timeline
Name : Pavel Chekov [1]
Species : Humans

Born in 2241, Pavel Andreievich Chekov was an officer in Starfleet during the mid 23rd century. Regarded as a "whizz kid" by Captain Pike, he was a serving officer aboard the USS Enterprise during her maiden voyage in 2258. A native Russian, Chekov spoke with a strong ethnic accent which the Enterprise computer found difficult to understand at times. Chekov's reputation for brilliance was well founded; at Vulcan he was able to lock the transporter onto James Kirk and Hikaru Sulu and beam them up even though they were in a free fall with no parachute, something the transporter operators were unable to do. He remained at the transporter to beam the Vulcan elders up a few minutes later, though he was unable to get a lock on Spock's mother Amanda when the ground beneath her collapsed. [1]

Chekov was subsequently able to calculate a way for the Enterprise to avoid detection by Nero by bringing the ship out of warp within the atmosphere of Saturn's moon, Titan, where the magnetic field of the rings blinded Nero's sensors. The ship was then able to beam Kirk and Spock on to the Narada to foil Nero's plan to destroy Earth. [1]

Chekov continued to serve aboard the Enterprise for the following year. When Chief Engineer Scott resigned his post in protest at Captain Kirk's decision to allow a payload of advanced torpedoes to be brought aboard the ship, Chekov took over from him. He was able to repair the ship's warp drive after it mysteriously malfunctioned, stranding the Enterprise at the edge of Klingon space. He relinquished the Chief Engineer role to Scotty after the crisis was resolved. [2]

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

Associated with

Crew of the alternate Enterprise 1701/1701-A

Played by

SeriesSeasonActorFilm / Episode Title
Anton YelchinStar Trek XI
Anton YelchinStar Trek Into Darkness
Anton YelchinStar Trek Beyond


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Star Trek XI
2 Star Trek Into Darkness
Film: Star Trek XI
Film: Star Trek Into Darkness

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 49,656 Last updated : 2 Apr 2014