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Take Me Out to the Holosuite

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Title :
Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Series :
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First Aired :
21 Oct 1998
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
7 x 04
Main Cast :
Guest Cast :
Sisko implies that the starship T'Kumbra is crewed entirely by Vulcans, much as the Intrepid was in TOS. Why is this? I thought Starfleet was integrated these days. Sure there could be ships that happen to have a mostly Vulcan crew, just as the Enterprise-D had a mostly Human crew. But having an all-Vulcan crew looks like discrimination.

Why does Nog show up when Sisko orders the senior staff assembled? Kim often does the same thing on Voyager; the Trek writers really need to learn the difference between a major character and a senior officer.
Great Moment :
Oh my! A holodeck story! And the holodecks continue to work properly, all the way through! Amazing!


Many years ago the newly graduated Ensign Sisko was embarrassed by Solok, a Vulcan convinced that Humans emotions make them inherently inferior. Solok has dragged the incident up at every possible opportunity ever since. When he arrives at the station along with his all-Vulcan baseball team, Sisko creates the "Deep Space Niners" in response. But can he turn an unlikely bunch of misfits into a team capable of taking on the fearsome Vulcans in only two weeks?
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 36,349 Last updated : 19 May 2004