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Fly Me to the Moon

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Title :
Fly Me to the Moon
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
31 Mar 2022
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
2 x 05
Main Cast :
Guest Cast :
Great Moment :
Nice that they tied this into the Gary Seven story.
Body Count :
The Borg queen.
Factoid :
Picard mentions Gary Seven to Tallinn from the TOS episode "Assignment: Earth"


In the Supervisor's home, she introduces herself as Tallinn and explains that she is watching over one of Picard's ancestors, Renée Picard. She is a member of the upcoming Europa mission, which is an important point in Human history. When Picard sees footage of Renée and her psychiatrist he recognises him as Q. Picard explains to Tallinn that Q is using Renée to change history, resulting in the Confederation future they have just witnessed.

Adam Soong is standing before a committee of three people. He is describing his work and they start by listening quietly to him. However, they soon tell him that his experiments have breached regulations and that his license is revoked and he is banned from further work in genetics.

Unconvinced that his powers of persuasion are enough to prevent Renée from completing the mission, and without his Q abilities, he resorts to enlisting the help of Adam Soong. Soong's daughter, Kore, has a genetic condition that prevents her from being exposed to sunlight or unfiltered air. Q provides Soong with an antidote for Kore's condition. It works perfectly but fails after a period, forcing Soong to agree to help Q to save his daughter.

Seven and Raffi are able to break Rios out of ICE custody and release the other prisoners.

Back on the ship, the Borg Queen uses the comms system to call the local police with a fake distress call. They send an officer who finds the Queen and is captured. Agnes returns to the ship and discovers the situation. She shoots the Borg Queen with a shotgun in order to save the policeman. Agnes, however, is infected with Borg nanoprobes.

Picard knows that Renée is destined to find a microrganism on Jupiter's moon Io and it is essential to the future of humanity. This makes it vital that she goes on the mission. The team plan to attend the pre-flight gala so they can keep an eye on Renée. To achieve this, Agnes infiltrates the event so she can hack the security system, but the Borg Queen's consciousness is lurking within her mind.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 3,652 Last updated : 14 Jan 2023