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The Voyager Conspiracy

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Title :
The Voyager Conspiracy
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
24 Nov 1999
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
6 x 09
Main Cast :
Guest Cast :
Kim says that if the catapult throws Voyager a thousand light years it will cut 'a few years' off their trip, but Voyager is supposed to average 1,000 light years per year so they would actually only save one year.

So whilst Seven of Nine's conclusions are revealed to be the result of simple paranoia, nothing in the episode invalidates the facts those conclusions were based on. So I have to ask... why exactly was Voyager carrying tri-cobalt devices? Subspace weapons are later revealed to be illegal in the Federation, so what is Voyager doing carrying them? And why did Tuvok use twice the yield he needed to blow up he Array? What was the blue energy beam linking Voyager with the Array's secondary power core? Why does nobody express the least conern or interest about the fact that a Cardassian warship is loose somewhere in the Delta Quadrant? Okay so it wasn't all part of a conspiracy... but what is the explanation?
Great Moment :
The launch of Tash's ship was spectacular, and it was just fantastic to see a friendly and enthusiastic alien, for once.
Body Count :
Factoid :
Albie Selznick as Tash, also played Tak Tak in Voyager episode "Macrocosm" and was the juggler in TNG episode "Cost of Living".


When Voyager encounters an alien who owns a piece of technology which could cut years off their trip, they are eager to help him get it functional in return for a trip. Meanwhile, Seven of Nine has come up with a way to use Borg technology to cross reference all the information Voyager has collected in the Delta Quadrant - and her conclusion is that Captain Janeway has been consistently lying to her crew for over five years and that Voyagers presence in the area is no accident...
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 33,810 Last updated : 28 Oct 2015