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Series :
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4 x 05
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First Aired :
1 Oct 1997
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3.0000 for 3 reviews
Reviewer : Indefatigable Rating : 2
Review : Reasonable episode, but nothing special. Dejaren was a possibly believable psychopath (of sorts, anyway). There seemed to be some references to "Psycho" and perhaps "Terminator" in his actions, but overall he just seemed plain mad. Maybe they were wrong to telegraph his actions rather that come up with a big realisation somewhere in mid-episode. Back aboard ship, I see that they're transferring the 'unlucky in love' thing to Harry Kim. It used to be associated with chief engineers (Scotty and Geordi). However, he did panic when Seven suddenly came onto him. Poor, daft clot. As for Seven herself, she seems to alternate between detached and arrogant. In fact, she reminds me of an android much of the time, but not quite. Finally, it's about time Tuvok got promoted. Perhaps that extra half-pip (from Series 1) won't look so out of place now.
Reviewer : ajdedo Rating : 3
Review : Actually I thought it was a well written episode. Not necessarily plot wise, but the dialogue was very good at times. It made me laugh a couple times, and cringe too. For that, it should get a 3.5. On another note, don't you think 7 has become human far too easily and fast? In fact she was pretty well transformed after the 3rd episode of season 4. The ex-Borg on the planet Chakotay crashed on in Unity were there for years and were still part cyborg. The medical advancements are a bit futuristic even for Star Trek
Reviewer : =NoPoet= Rating : 4
Review : I just watched this episode. The guest actor gives one of the finest performances in Trek, he is an extremely memorable character driven to desperation by his neuroses. Complicating these problems are his resentment issues and what amounts to trauma over his treatment by organics. The pressure seems to rise and rise within him, only for it to relent slightly as his rational side steps forward. We can see this happening throughout the episode. I agree that making it unclear that he'd killed his own crew would have been better - there were several opportunities to wrong-foot the viewer here, keeping them off-balance and uncertain, which would have created more drama. That said, I really like this episode. When I first saw it, I'd been watching DS9 which was well into the Dominion War, and for some reason I liked the contrast between epic, sweeping episodes in the alpha quadrant and quietly intense, low-key character drama in the delta. Highly underrated episode.
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