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Series :
Season Ep :
3 x 15
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First Aired :
29 Jan 1997
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2.2000 for 5 reviews
Reviewer : BJH Rating : 3
Review : An enjoyable episode, but ultimately doesn't contribute all that much in terms of character development.
Reviewer : Indefatigable Rating : 1
Review : Let me get this straight, Janeway gets killed in a shuttle crash, strangled by a Vidiian, blown up, gassed and contracts the Phage. I guess it just wasn't her day, and I hope Neelix has plenty of coffee on hand. Of course, none of it really happened, and it was all caused by some sort of false devil/alien being. Still, once we worked out what was going on, we had Len Cariou's 'step into my parlour' performance, and a YATI where he appeared in a 2070s uniform rather than a 2050s one. Speaking of uniforms, you would have thought that the crew could dig out their full dress for their captain's sendoff, would you not? Janeway also did not try very hard to contact Kes after their first try. Why not do another walkthrough? Why not YELL AS LOUD AS YOU CAN during the whole of Tuvok and Kes' seance? Apart from things like that, it was a half-decent attempt to tell a story right up until the last scene - then they completely blew it! We suddenly had an 'everything's alright now' moment, after all that had happened beforehand. Janeway should have been deeply disturbed by it all, and perhaps concerned that maybe there really was a Hell after all. It didn't make sense.
Reviewer : Indefatigable Rating : 1
Review : Let me get this straight, Janeway gets killed in a shuttle crash, strangled by a Vidiian, blown up, gassed and contracts the Phage. I guess it just wasn't her day, and I hope Neelix has plenty of coffee on hand. Of course, none of it really happened, and it was all caused by some sort of false devil/alien being. Still, once we worked out what was going on, we had Len Cariou's 'step into my parlour' performance, and a YATI where he appeared in a 2370s uniform rather than a 2350s one. Speaking of uniforms, you would have thought that the crew could dig out their full dress for their captain's sendoff, would you not? Janeway also did not try very hard to contact Kes after their first try. Why not do another walkthrough? Why not YELL AS LOUD AS YOU CAN during the whole of Tuvok and Kes' seance? Apart from things like that, it was a half-decent attempt to tell a story right up until the last scene - then they completely blew it! We suddenly had an 'everything's alright now' moment, after all that had happened beforehand. Janeway should have been deeply disturbed by it all, and perhaps concerned that maybe there really was a Hell after all. It didn't make sense.
Reviewer : =NoPoet= Rating : 3
Review : The ending of this episode, when the true nature of the "matrix" is revealed, deserves five stars. When you actually think about it this is a disturbing story featuring an alien that definitely doesn't seem like your average species-of-the-week.
Reviewer : MarcusP Rating : 3
Review : A okay ride if a little depressing at times. can go through doors but not through the decks. And for some reason you have friction so you can move by walking...
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