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Series :
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1 x 12
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First Aired :
18 Jan 1988
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3.0000 for 1 reviews
Reviewer : Indefatigable Rating : 3
Review : A story that nearly worked. Most of it was very interesting, finding out about Data's history, the old colony and what happened to it. Firstly, there was the interest in the identical androids, where we could not be quite sure what was going on (and did Brent Spiner get paid twice?). Then there was the question of Lore's character development. They made him seem as curious as Data, perhaps a little too curious. Brent Spiner did a good job with both roles, believable as ever. However, it did not quite work. I can understand why the captain decided to ignore Wesley's suspicions at first, he was distracted by the entity and that seemed a far greater threat. However, when 'Data' suddenly started communicating with it, he really should have realised something was wrong. It might have been better to handle it by toning down the differences somewhat, making Wesley nervous about speaking up when he was suspicious and giving Picard a certain ammount of doubt - but not enough to make him mistrust a senior officer. Also, why telegraph that Lore is evil? Overall, it worked, but I'd say it needed some tweaks.
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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 9,674 Last updated : 23 May 2024