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Why We Can't Have Grey Jedi

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 2:36 am
by Nutso

Re: Why We Can't Have Grey Jedi

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 11:53 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Did anyone else read that as "Why we can't have gay Jedi"?

Because gay Jedi would be fabulous!

Re: Why We Can't Have Grey Jedi

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 12:22 am
by AlexMcpherson79
*puts on pervy hat* Personally, I'd like to see there be Lesbian Jedi! ... assuming of course, there are FEMALE Jedi running around. You'd think there hadn't been prior to order 66 going solely from the female cast of the OT: Leia, Beru, Mon Mothma, and that's it.

(*whispers* personally I'd like to see what changes would be in the story if specific chraacters were female for better representation without going all "grr we have to have representation!" ... Grand Master of the Jedi Order Mara Windu. What if Obi's master was a woman?)

... Strange to think that Star Wars has been kind of good towards what few female characters it had pre-disney: Leia was implied to be an Action!Princess, though we dont get much view of anything really. ROTJ was what, 'go save Han', then 'go attack the DSII'. Padme, however... oh lord. "Hey Anakin, since you wont go save your master because your such a model of a dutiful Jedi, I'll do it for you, and since your duty is being my bodyguard loophole abuse I'm a senator." ... And TPM, of course, "I just got the last chancellor kicked out of his job, now excuse me I have to go kick a droid army off my planet. Later suckers!"
... strange how those two "proactive" things resulted in a) a sith lord becoming chancellor and b) enabled said sith lord to systematically destroy the republic from within under the guise of "Win The WWAAAAARRHH! HAHAHAHA-cough "

Re: Why We Can't Have Grey Jedi

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 6:53 pm
by Captain Seafort
AlexMcpherson79 wrote:Leia was implied to be an Action!Princess, though we dont get much view of anything really.
Other than leaving Han and Luke in charge of rescuing her for all of about ten seconds, and having to be dragged out of the Hoth command centre about ten seconds ahead of the Stormtroopers' arrival after barely noticing/ignoring that the place had taken a direct hit.