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Sigma Division

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:51 am
by Jarrod Mushar
I am Admiral Jarrod Mushar, Fleet Commander In Chief of Sigma Division Simulations. Sigma Division is a Star Trek PBEM Fleet. Firstly, allow me to tell you about the history of our game:

Sigma Division was built from a previous RPG. We the camaraderie that was build in the previous RPG to come up with, what we felt, was the ultimate Fleet. That Fleet was Sigma Division. With the various characters and appointed personnel, we strive to make Sigma Division top notch & one of the best Star Trek RPG's available.
The game itself is based on the concept of freedom -- the freedom to write your character the way you want (within Simm guidelines), the freedom to think and voice your opinions freely and without retribution, and the freedom to leave withour criticism or harsh feelings from the game's leadership or remaining members.

What the future holds for Sigma Division is unknown. Although we have welcomed some new additions to the Fleet Staff, and some of the idealism has been replaced with practicality, some things are certain: despite the game's current small size, Sigma Division will continue to grow, the Fleet Command Staff are still dedicated to Sigma's development and growth and our writers continue to enjoy a fair, encouraging and creative environment.
And the background story of our Fleet
Since the end of the Dominion War two years ago, thirteen Dominion ships have entered the Alpha Quadrant through the Bajoran Wormhole and have attacked Deep Space Nine, nearly destroying her on one occasion. Starfleet has added numerous ships to the Bajoran sector patrol fleet, but the Jem'Hadar continue to come through. Many have escaped the patrols and are hiding in various locations throughout the Alpha Quadrant. A message sent from the Founders state that a band of rogue Alpha Jem'Hadar are no longer under their control and are responsible for the attacks. Starfleet suspects that they aren't telling us the whole truth. There is also rumors that the Dominion is amassing a fleet in the Gamma Quadrant, possibly preparing for another war.

That's where we come in.

Our primary mission is to patrol the Gamma Quadrant, scout out possible Dominion movement, and prevent further incursions into the Alpha Quadrant by any member of the Dominion. Secondary missions can include, but are not limited to, covert operations into Dominion territory, first contact scenarios with new life forms, and Diplomatic missions to form treaties and alliances with civilizations we've already come into contact with.

In addition, there are reports that Borg cubes have been sighted within the Gamma Quadrant. It has been verified that they have already assimilated two planet populations and ten ships of differing alliance and species. We have been placed here to defend those against the Borg who either can't defend themselves. We will be exploring new frontiers never before seen by any member of the Federation. It will be an adventure like no other and we need able men and women who are willing to serve Starfleet in its most important task of the post-war era
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