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Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes (spoilers)

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 2:52 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Ha! Tyler the Krill, I knew it!

I've come to really like the characters on this show. The way Kelly talks to Gordon is great. She obviously has her doubts, but she's so supportive of him anyway. It's cute.

Love the new species of Krill enemies, too. We don't learn much about them but I continue to be impressed by the alien makeup on this show. And whoa, that ship was huge!

Gordon's hovering above the ground trick was cool. Somebody's been watching the headlines...


Love the ending. Again, Tyler points out that Ed may be making a huge mistake in letting her go, and specifically says that if it's an attempt to improve relations it will not work. But maybe, maybe...

Re: Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes (spoilers)

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 7:07 pm
by Mikey
I loved this episode. Ed showing an obviously fallible and vulnerable side, yet still clinging on to a forlorn hope both personally (“You made me a grilled cheese!”) and globally with his much-maligned but poignant hope for the beginnings of peace was great. Gordon’s quest for strange self-improvement was a great font of gags (“What DO you see?!”) but could be a springboard for some deeper character development. Kelly’s analysis of Ed’s various smiles may be nothing, or...

And of course, the bit about the “real” hero of Raiders of the Lost Ark had me LOLing.

All of this is not to mention the sight of the Krill - heretofore the storied bogeymen of the Orville universe - getting out-Krilled exponentially. The crew seemed as shocked as I was!