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Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:43 am
by Teaos
*plays emprerial march from Star Wars*

I blame the DNC for fixing the Primaries and putting up the most toxic candidate in decades. Why couldn't we have Biden???


Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:35 am
by IanKennedy
...and in other news the US national anthem was today changed to "The Last Post".


Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:39 am
by IanKennedy
I guess the stock price of wall building companies and brick makers has just gone up.


Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:44 pm
by Sonic Glitch
I'll be honest, I'm not quite sure what to do here. Anybody need policy researchers across the pond?


Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:27 pm
by Captain Picard's Hair
Voter turnout matters. Despite the increasing diversity of America, a candidate aimed squarely at whites can still win. A combination of a smaller margin of victory among non-whites than expected and lower turnout among that group put the kibosh on Hillary's bid, while (particularly Northern) whites went hard for Trump.

Also, another case of the EC and popular vote disagreeing. Because of it's arcane voting system, America voted in a candidate who is expected (pending the official vote count) to lose the popular vote.

P.S., the madness to come isn't my fault: I voted for the right woman. (shocking, I know, based on the limited number of political statements I've made here :P )


Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 2:11 pm
by IanKennedy


Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 3:44 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Well, this is... *Insert screaming, incoherent rage* unpleasant.


Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:45 pm
by McAvoy
Blame Hillary. Early on people expected her to lose and expected Bernie to win big over Trump. But people said he wouldn't somehow.

Basically the mistrust of Hillary trumped (pun intended) a womanizing, bigot, liar who looked like he nose dived in to a pool of cheeto dust.


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 6:04 am
by Vic
And clearly no one seems to be noticing what happened........ People by and large didn't vote for Trump, they voted against the two party system. First in the Republican primaries and against the Democrats in the General Election.

It is not about racism, sexism, this "ism", that "ism" or the other "ism". I really don't care what color of coolaid you are drinking, STOP DRINKING IT. Stop buying into the doom and gloom that the media (that so ably abets the system at large) is presenting and think for yourself. You have a brain........right?

The worst that can happen is that Congress takes their ball and goes home, nothing happens for the next four years. I really would not be surprised if this wasn't a business move by Trump, the stock market reacted as it always does when there is an Presidential election. Trump buys up cheap stock, and when the market realizes what a moron it was it goes back to routine trading, Trump is that much wealthier.


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 11:31 am
by Graham Kennedy
I said several times to people that these were two very unpopular candidates. The winner was always going to be the one that stayed out of the headlines. If you look through the polling, whenever there was a period where Trump's gaffes dominated the news - the Khans, pussygate, attacking women - he slowly trended downwards. Whenever Hillary was making headlines - her health, the emails, etc - she trended down. Her bad luck that the email investigation suddenly came alive again in the last couple of weeks.

Assuming it was bad luck. Some say there were Donald supporters in the FBI who pushed the narrative back into the headlines deliberately to achieve this result. :shock:

Personally I give us about a one in five chance of all being dead in WWIII sometime in the next four years. :(


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 1:36 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Vic wrote:And clearly no one seems to be noticing what happened........ People by and large didn't vote for Trump, they voted against the two party system. First in the Republican primaries and against the Democrats in the General Election.

It is not about racism, sexism, this "ism", that "ism" or the other "ism". I really don't care what color of coolaid you are drinking, STOP DRINKING IT. Stop buying into the doom and gloom that the media (that so ably abets the system at large) is presenting and think for yourself. You have a brain........right?

The worst that can happen is that Congress takes their ball and goes home, nothing happens for the next four years. I really would not be surprised if this wasn't a business move by Trump, the stock market reacted as it always does when there is an Presidential election. Trump buys up cheap stock, and when the market realizes what a moron it was it goes back to routine trading, Trump is that much wealthier.
Both houses are Republican-dominated and I don't think they wanna get on Trump's bad side, either. Worst-case scenario is they enact his crazy ideas.


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 2:33 pm
by Reliant121
Vic wrote:And clearly no one seems to be noticing what happened........ People by and large didn't vote for Trump, they voted against the two party system. First in the Republican primaries and against the Democrats in the General Election.

It is not about racism, sexism, this "ism", that "ism" or the other "ism". I really don't care what color of coolaid you are drinking, STOP DRINKING IT. Stop buying into the doom and gloom that the media (that so ably abets the system at large) is presenting and think for yourself. You have a brain........right?

The worst that can happen is that Congress takes their ball and goes home, nothing happens for the next four years. I really would not be surprised if this wasn't a business move by Trump, the stock market reacted as it always does when there is an Presidential election. Trump buys up cheap stock, and when the market realizes what a moron it was it goes back to routine trading, Trump is that much wealthier.
If the anecdotal evidence I have seen across social media is anything to go by, this is flat out incorrect. A huge spike in racist and homophobic incidents directly in the wake of the vote. A vice president that would see individuals such as myself subjected to torture in order to "cure" me of my sexual preference, news outlets reporting the GOP is already moving to quash healthcare reform acts (though I am aware that they have been problematic from the start)...

People did indeed vote against the two party system but it seems people also voted with the side of themselves they were afraid to air in the open. This proves that Racism and Bigotry is wildly more prevalent in the states than anyone, certainly over here, had realised.


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 4:47 pm
by Mikey
Indeed, Trump simply enacted a long-standing Democratic strategy, just better than the Democrats - that is, find your core of lower-turnout voters and improve the turnout. Now, I've joked about starting to sew yellow stars on all my clothes... but having read Trump's policy paper (published yesterday) on gun control, it appears that, like all other president-elects, he's backing off the most extreme planks of his platform, paying just enough vague homage to them to keep the rightist groups fat and happy.
At least, I hope so.


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 4:55 pm
by Reliant121
I can only hope between him watering down some of his election promises, the moderate minded GOP and the Dems, they can keep the more extreme Republican mentality in check. (Pence and Palin, I'm looking at you.)


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:55 pm
by Mikey
I think the need for Trump to court the more moderate GOP majority, led by Ryan, will help.